Did God say no?

I have second hand knowledge of the TN manager, Jesus, er... I mean Brook.

All of the offices hate him or just make fun of him. He has been banned from more doctors offices in the dirty South than the Koran.

He got his job because he had a frat "brother" (thank you sir, may I have another) that helped his career out.

All of his reps think he's an idiot and don't respect him.

The only praying that you should be concerned with is the praying you should be doing right now thanking your luck stars that God said "no".

Are you kidding me? This is hilarious. I'm a non-Allergan employee, Christian here.

His crap is ridiculous!! The Christians who do all of that crap in public are the biggest pedophiles, Klansmen, serial killers, adulterers, alcoholics around!! They embrace Christianity only as a control mechanism. They probably also did a stint in the military.

When you work for them, their districts are a mess and filled with strife of favoritism, back biting, in fighting, etc. They encourage the sycophants and eschew anyone who does not publicly back their Christian outbursts.

Management will never get rid of them because they are ingratiating and the higher ups - Christian or not -- are also equally insecure that they like the confusion that is kept up and don't want to be bothered.

Their families look perfect from the outside but inside Becky has had multiple abortions and at least one kid is on drugs but they are praying for 'God to bring Beau out of it'. As a Christian I would never choose to work under one!!

Be grateful 'God said no' to this idiot. I've worked for 2 DMs that publicly embraced their faith-- a Christian and a Mormon. The Mormon was the worst. Not to me, but he was extremely and overtly hard on the bi racial guy in our district. It was noticeable to everyone. I would call it racism but the DM just skirted the line where you have called it either way which is why, I think, the guy ended up leaving.

The Christian was female and I've never heard so much ridiculous talk in my life!!! From when folks were pregnant, to getting a divorce. Getting offended at curse words and the whole bit. She recruited the district sycophant and it was horrible. You couldn't talk in front of the sycophant for your words being twisted and taken back to the manager.

Anyway, if you EVER see supposed Christians in public doing hand gestures, signs of the cross, quoting of scripture etc, hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husbands too!!

Are you kidding? Who care's if someone expresses their christianity or mormonism or whatever? How come we're supposed to tolerate homosexuality, muslims, flag burners, etc, etc - But no tolerance for overt Christianity?

Are you kidding? Who care's if someone expresses their christianity or mormonism or whatever? How come we're supposed to tolerate homosexuality, muslims, flag burners, etc, etc - But no tolerance for overt Christianity?

OP of post #24 here. I spoke to religion in my previous post because that was the issue presented by the OP.

It is less about someone being Christian or Mormon and more about what it means to be managed by people who don't have appropriate boundaries for their beliefs. First amendment speech is guaranteed and so are consequences.

Who cares if someone publicly expresses their religious devotion? Everyone who is not that religion or religious sect. I cannot account for the wrong that other groups perpetuate, but in ALL cases is it inappropriate in an interview, or other business setting to go on about your religious beliefs / devotion and anything else that has the POTENTIAL to be divisive. And we all know what those topics are.

No one cares how you feel about abortion, OJ, or gay marriage. Everyone has an opinion but to voice it in a work/team/group environment is antithetical to fostering cohesion when we are charged with working together to advance the cause/sell the products of the company who pays us!!! It becomes a distraction.

Managers, neighbors, co-workers, who openly and unnecessarily express divisive views endanger civility which is hanging on by a thread in our society. Many of our relationships are tenuous at best and when you throw in something that is clearly a grenade, it says something about YOU!

What is wrong with you that you would intentionally create / step into that land mine? It makes me wonder where else do you lack boundaries?

Are you going to show up at my house to make sure I leave by 7:30 in the name of _____? Are you going to question my neighbors about my after hours behavior? If your snooping divulges that I'm an avid hunter will you then drum up any reason to run me out of your district despite my stellar performance?

Your beliefs are yours to hold, but not yours to bring into the workplace and rule others by. Corporations spend thousands creating HR personnel manuals for that.

I can not believe Brook is still working at Allergan. He is such a liability to the company with his tactics and his behavior.

I am in the South Region and can verify that Brooke is not right for this type of career. He never has been and never will be. Some people do not possess the attributes necessary to motivate people, be it reps or doctors that need the motivation. From what I can tell, he is not an asset to his team of territory managers, to the South Region management team, nor to the accounts in which he co-travels to. When a manager is or becomes a liability to his team and his company he should be removed from the position. It seems as if Allergan's upper management is unaware of his problems and his behavior or they are more willing to lose business and lawsuits over this guy than to get rid of him. With the current environment at Allergan, I would have to assume the upper management of Lecause, Skulle, Gangoli are quite unaware of all the complaints, problems and issues that have followed this young man throughout his career. With that being said, where does the fault lie? In answer to my own proposition, I would have to respond the fault in keeping such a live wire on board would lie with Human Resources from concealing the problems from management and not pursuing any punishment or dismissal of him.

I am in the South Region and can verify that Brooke is not right for this type of career. He never has been and never will be. Some people do not possess the attributes necessary to motivate people, be it reps or doctors that need the motivation. From what I can tell, he is not an asset to his team of territory managers, to the South Region management team, nor to the accounts in which he co-travels to. When a manager is or becomes a liability to his team and his company he should be removed from the position. It seems as if Allergan's upper management is unaware of his problems and his behavior or they are more willing to lose business and lawsuits over this guy than to get rid of him. With the current environment at Allergan, I would have to assume the upper management of Lecause, Skulle, Gangoli are quite unaware of all the complaints, problems and issues that have followed this young man throughout his career. With that being said, where does the fault lie? In answer to my own proposition, I would have to respond the fault in keeping such a live wire on board would lie with Human Resources from concealing the problems from management and not pursuing any punishment or dismissal of him.

Human resources certainly knows what is going on with him.

Asking a woman if she has kids, is married, telling her she should not be working outside the home is blatant hiring discrimination.

Why have you people not filed a claim with the EEOC? You could send Allergan to the cleaners.

Brook is a fine Christian. He just manages by a black and white mentality and is very old fashion. What you saw in the nterview is how he manages. if he was tlaking religion,prayer etc it is what he believes and he is willing ot be fired over it even if it is wrong in a interview.

You obviously don't know him. He lies. He's a bigot. He's a RACIST. He will do wrong to keep his job. Did I mention he lies?