

Stay away. Sales Mgmt is non-existent. False promises canned with a dictator style vp of sales. Heartless, evil individual named Jennifer Cart
If you work for or considering a position, watch OUT, get OUT

another brill biz decision by Diatherix. promote the person who is power tripping and has the intellect of a spoiled 3 year old child
NSM starting today with dumb n dumber. Quiz, cheerleading, and lies. Jenn is a CLOWN
How’s it hanging team. How many of you are actively looking for new gigs
I am.
Let’s get out of this place. Cart is looking too. She poked the holes in the boat and now wants to jump. Typical Jenny leadership.
Stay away. Sales Mgmt is non-existent. False promises canned with a dictator style vp of sales. Heartless, evil individual named Jennifer Cart
If you work for or considering a position, watch OUT, get OUT


I don't know. I met with senior management and it was quite pleasant. Reasonable expectations. High salary. Car allowance seems good. What am I missing?