Because this is called survival of corporate America. It is all about getting the most out of these young grasshoppers while you have them for 3 to 4.7 years before they are off to a new job opportunity or company. Why do you think we have all this diversity hires and time off during the week of July 4. The young dip shit grasshoppers Don’t care about pensions. All they care about is Traveling OUS, and time off, Vacation. Even though they can’t pay for their vacation time off..... They need this time to Recharge those little brains. Lilly doesn’t need to drop the pension plan because anyone in their 20s and 30s
Won’t be around Lilly’s long enough to ever qualify for any type of Pension security. They just jump from job to Job like a grasshopper in the August sunshine going from spot to spot. But Lilly needs to continue Phase Six of getting
Rid of these expensive, Crusty, Semi Productive Old farts over 49.5 Years old with
Over 22.7 years with the company. These people make way toooo much and we
Can hire 3 grasshoppers for the price of one of these old guys. Sorry for the Reality Check All. This is corporate America, and thank god there is a job shortage this helps us all.