Despite popular belief....

You may want to look up the definition of slander. All of what people are saying is true. So that is not slander. Speaking of stock and how the loser ruined it for us - why is all of ours frozen, but KK and MG sold theirs last week? We are knocking this turnover and unethical thing out of the park these days.

You may want to look up the definition of slander. All of what people are saying is true. So that is not slander. Speaking of stock and how the loser ruined it for us - why is all of ours frozen, but KK and MG sold theirs last week? We are knocking this turnover and unethical thing out of the park these days.

You don’t really think Dork knows the definition of slander, homophobia, sexism or racism do you? Stating the facts in this company will always be swept under the rug!
I hear they are going to develop a committees to attempt to get us to embrace CXers. Since so many TMs are leaving they are positioning this team as the glue to our HPTs. Most of them haven’t sold a pencil but yet know more than us! I hear they get paid more salary than variable compensation unlike us. They apparently have all worked together at previous pharma companies. One of my buddies in training trusted 1 of them and it made it to the entire team and it caused issues for him. It is like a frat/sor club! TMs beware! No slander here just stating provable facts.

You may want to look up the definition of slander. All of what people are saying is true. So that is not slander. Speaking of stock and how the loser ruined it for us - why is all of ours frozen, but KK and MG sold theirs last week? We are knocking this turnover and unethical thing out of the park these days.
Claiming a company is unethical on a public site can be libel. Hope you have proof. Slander. Libel...all the same in the end. Words are words, written or spoken. But you are so smart.

This is like a soap opera....but with every good plot comes the twist. I heard the rep from CT that CX got fired is suing. iRT needs to turn over the record of the past two years of employees that have been fired. That is going to be one hell of a list. I wonder how many of those reps will be called as witnesses in this case??? Hmmmmm. Time for the popcorn :)

This is like a soap opera....but with every good plot comes the twist. I heard the rep from CT that CX got fired is suing. iRT needs to turn over the record of the past two years of employees that have been fired. That is going to be one hell of a list. I wonder how many of those reps will be called as witnesses in this case??? Hmmmmm. Time for the popcorn :)

The list will be a novel if they include the all the people over 40 they edged out in-house in Chicago/SF too. If justice exists this company should reap what it has sown.

New guy here and really looking forward to the meeting. All the above has me a little uneasy. Are the meetings at least fun? I mean my old pharmacy days were full of crazy parties and hot women. If I’m only going to be here 6 mos figure I better enjoy the time I have right?

New guy here and really looking forward to the meeting. All the above has me a little uneasy. Are the meetings at least fun? I mean my old pharmacy days were full of crazy parties and hot women. If I’m only going to be here 6 mos figure I better enjoy the time I have right?

The expense account here is awesome! I hear we can expense anything and everything this week! Go down to the clubs away from the resort.

WOW, I do not even recognize 75% of the people at this GSM! I guess I have been under a rock and leadership sure has kept the turnover a secret. This is a bummer even some of the marketing people I used to see here are gone. Most of the PCLub winners from last year are gone! This is truly a refection of the executive staff sales and marketing in particular. This week should be interesting!

WOW, I do not even recognize 75% of the people at this GSM! I guess I have been under a rock and leadership sure has kept the turnover a secret. This is a bummer even some of the marketing people I used to see here are gone. Most of the PCLub winners from last year are gone! This is truly a refection of the executive staff sales and marketing in particular. This week should be interesting!
40% growth. How? Evolution.

Those that don't evolve leave. Thank God. Maybe this year we grow more without the deadwood.

40% growth. How? Evolution.

Those that don't evolve leave. Thank God. Maybe this year we grow more without the deadwood.
Yes Dork, good try you spent so much time, glitz and money on the meeting this week. You still are a weak leader and 40% growth is because of the deadwood that’s left. Think about what you just said! With so many people in their 6 month guarantee you think we will have 40%? You are clueless....

To be in the chosen circle with DV and DB it's easy! You just need to be white or white-ish, not a hint of an accent, under 50, preferably male, straight, and as DB put it at a meeting a few months ago, " Ivy-League level education".

To be in the chosen circle with DV and DB it's easy! You just need to be white or white-ish, not a hint of an accent, under 50, preferably male, straight, and as DB put it at a meeting a few months ago, " Ivy-League level education".
You mean like the 3 Bimbettes he has as directors? The 2 Blondes especially are dumber than a bag of rocks at least the brunette has a little common sense but she is a hypocrite. She picked one of her very own for the layoff all because she disagreed with her.

DB and others you should know it looks pretty bad when you pick someone to lay off who has been here longer then all of the new hires you are paying 175K a year! SVB still is letting people go who do not bow down to her dumb self! Karma is undefeated folks.

Such a sad company with Dork and Mr Queen at the top. Kevin you could have saved several of us by getting rid of these 2 idiots. Do you know how many of us in leadership really have zero respect for them? I hear more people in leadership leaving by their own choice soon.

Kevin please do not let us down we know you are better than this?