Describe Talecris in TWO words

Mine is:

Decent job

I have no problem with the company. They pay well and have invested alot into the company.
Company and center problems are the result of incompetence from the center. Don't look to be bailed out by regionals or corporate. Like most jobs, success is in your own hands. As is failure.

Pathetic Management
Scumbag employees. you know who you are\
Decietful & Manipulative

Complete JOKE sums it up after my interview the other day. HUMMM, let's see there Mike, I have this product ,Thrombate 3,for this really RARE genetic disorder. So, should the doctor actually come across this problem I am ready, armed, and dangerous!!! I just hope the new HR guy and the new 'OUT WEST" manager that where part of the interview didn't leave good jobs for this one. Thank God I am a nurse, some poor slug will leave a good deal for this product I can't believe ANYONE spent money on R and D for!!

I was so thankful for my current co.

high five sister !

Thanks back at ya! Ya know there's about 80 cases of Primordial Dwarfism in the world
It's a really rare genetic disorder, but, I wouldn't be selling spinal equipment to repair their backs -I would literally have to hope they have a case here or wait, until one is BORN!!

All of my years as an ER.Labor/Delivery,Recovery/OR nurse have I ever Red Flagged a chart with this disorder and needed Thrombate-whatever!

understand this. these talecrisis execs are book smart but street retarded. sick sigma belts , fda suspenders, and ivy league paper tigers. it's a man thing and they are lookin pretty squirely! cerberus is a three headed dog with a single penis. how does one decide how to use it ? Go stevie go stevie !