DeRoyal Implants


Most disorganized segment of a business that I have ever seen. Sales Director is over his head, manufacturing cannot support the demand of sets and implants, marketing is non existent and they actually want to charge distributors for brochures and basic marketing materials. Territories are not established, so you have direct DeRoyal reps competing with and back dooring current distributors. This division is a mess and has no vision besides selling to POD's and direct it customer situations. Very poorly managed, but s great idea of selling "generic" implants at a reduced cost.


what a joke! these aren't only 'me too' products, these are 'me too too too too' products. 20 companies have a small frag, a cannulated screw, a large frag, etc... they are going to have to give this away for free, that still probably wont get them any business. these are trauma products, which means you are calling on trauma centers, which means the stryker/synthes/zimmer/biomet reps have been battling for that business, and have relationships, for years. yes, you may get a podiatrist to use one of these sets a few times a year, but you aren't going to be making any money at all on it. im not trying to hate, but you cant be a brace/dme company and all of a sudden jump into ortho trauma implant market. not going to happen!!

You can impact a territorry with this junk if you are the implant of choice for you friendly neighborhood POD. Shits so cheap it allows them to maximize their profit. IMO PODS are a huge black cloud, and it baffles me how they can operate legally within the grey areas. Glad to see that PODS are the #1 priority on the desk of the OIG this year.

So heres the deal. DeRoyal has some of the best manufacturing equipment you can buy! Period! Their machining equipment comes from Germany and Sweden, Engineers have vast implants knowledge and hail from Synthes, Stryker, Wright Med, & Zimmer, TI and SS come from the same manufacture Synthes uses and is the same or higher quality, 95% of everything they make is made in the USA, their MD consultants are AO trained, and they are extremely lean and mobile! The current implants device companies have been over charging hospitals for years and DeRoyal is positioned to take over the market. I have personally visited their facilities, met the implants staff, and conducted a 75% conversion from Synthes & Stryker to DeRoyal! We have seen a reduction in expenditures of 20-30% on implants and are on target to save over $750,000.00 in 2014. Believe me or not, do your own evaluation and see if Im telling the truth! I finally got tired of being ripped off and lied to on a daily bases.

So heres the deal. DeRoyal has some of the best manufacturing equipment you can buy! Period! Their machining equipment comes from Germany and Sweden, Engineers have vast implants knowledge and hail from Synthes, Stryker, Wright Med, & Zimmer, TI and SS come from the same manufacture Synthes uses and is the same or higher quality, 95% of everything they make is made in the USA, their MD consultants are AO trained, and they are extremely lean and mobile! The current implants device companies have been over charging hospitals for years and DeRoyal is positioned to take over the market. I have personally visited their facilities, met the implants staff, and conducted a 75% conversion from Synthes & Stryker to DeRoyal! We have seen a reduction in expenditures of 20-30% on implants and are on target to save over $750,000.00 in 2014. Believe me or not, do your own evaluation and see if Im telling the truth! I finally got tired of being ripped off and lied to on a daily bases.

this is comical. do you think for one second that a company like Synthes is going to let/agree to one of their manufacturers make products for a competing company and sell them at a cheaper price?? hell no! i highly doubt synthes/stryker/zimmer use outside vendors for their products. they have patents and their own production facilities, companies like deroyal are NOT getting their hands on any of it. for example: look at medartis, they are a spin-off of synthes. how much market share do they have with all of that knowledge and technology? .00000000001%.