
Blah blah blah, you’ve drank the kool-aid! Accept this for what it is, we’re selling under arm wipes. This isn’t anything life changing or innovative. It’s a job. Can’t wait for the catching up at thanksgiving .... “so how’s work?” “I sell arm pit wipes...but it’s really important to people!” Lol

sad but true

Ok... so let me get this straight. You don’t disagree with the facts in my post and just want to focus on an assumption that I was cut?

Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the “talent” at Dermira.

If you work here....why? If you don’t work here...then why come on here to bitch. Either way, you’re a loser.

I think it's fun to see All the bickering. You all obviously have a job to do. Lol if the sweat wipe works. Practically speaking the market may not be as large as early thought of. I've been in Derm for 15 years and this is either going to be a home run or fall flat. Good luck Dermira people!

Allergan reps should worry about themselves and focus on getting their signatures today. Oh and make sure they get their catering orders correct for today’s lunch. Haters. Haha