Derm Contract Interviews

Can anyone who got an offer share the salary range?
Just wondering since I have an interview next week
Wonder if my higher previous salary will eliminate me despite my experience

Can anyone who got an offer share the salary range?
Just wondering since I have an interview next week
Wonder if my higher previous salary will eliminate me despite my experience

My interview isn't until next week either. Does anyone know anything about the training timeline? How long for home study? How long the training is in NJ, any dates would be helpful? Thanks!

My interview isn't until next week either. Does anyone know anything about the training timeline? How long for home study? How long the training is in NJ, any dates would be helpful? Thanks!

Not sure but this interview process was very strange. Be prepared to be put in a holding room with your competition and one by one they call you out of the room to see who moves forward. Very unprofessional. To make a decision on a 1 hour interview is something that I am also very hesitant about

No one gets an offer on the spot.
You interview with 2 dm's.
If you are the final candidate you interview with the national.
Then you wait to be contacted at a later date with an offer.

Training starts with home study 10/22 then 10 days away.

No one gets an offer on the spot.
You interview with 2 dm's.
If you are the final candidate you interview with the national.
Then you wait to be contacted at a later date with an offer.

Training starts with home study 10/22 then 10 days away.

This is correct info - inVentiv handles all of their contracts this way.

Folks, This is a top 5 job in Dermatology. Yeah, so what it's through Inventiv. It's not a set "typical" contract job. They have real Dermatology leadership with "Real Dermatology" experience. The Dermatology market is shrinking, Ranbaxy is actually "real player in Dermatology" now. Low end, Leo, Valenant, and Graceland reps need not apply.

Have one of your docs write a script. Guarantee it will not get filled. Bad molecule with a bad history.

You are a true asshole. The product hasn't even been launched yet so writing a script would be futile. Docs a still writing for isotrentinoin with both hands regardless of bad press.. Who are you????

You're the true asshole. This is a forum where reps can speak their minds and voice their opinions! National business directors should stay off Cafe Pharma! Andy, is that you? Really AN!! Instead of trolling CafePharma and trying to intimidate your poor sales people, maybe you should do your job and manage your DM's. You should also think about cleaning up your language. Doesn't sound to upper management. Bozo.