not a world class team from top down, would have been much better off as a company if they had sold off the whole product to a global player, now it all has to be reversed and that is 50 times more difficult
okay...RP leaving is the first step to recovery and anyone that he placed in a position of power must also go. and we mean the sales mgmt group, the medical group (can't say about reim group because I dont know) but the used car salesman approach will bury us and that is what is in place now. if you want a long term company we must relaunch with a new professional team to let the medical community know that we are serious. also Belgium should make good on the sales training bonus to foster trust after this horrific year.
go back to 3 regions...please
RP leaving, believe it when I see it, he is PdH's boy, if on wild chance is true they need to look outside, DP is no better and should be shown the door as well, he as head of US most responsible for launch failure in US
That's funny KS was a used car salesman!
That's funny KS was a used car salesman!
wouldn't buy a car from that chump!