Denver - the departures have begun

Are you kidding me?
This has nothing to do with Chris going to Auburn Hills. It is all about the total disrespect of sales reps by the John Nosense regime and the firing of Kyle as Sales Director. There are so many things to state. Favoritism of certain reps, unrealistic budgets for certain reps, special AE to ASR deals for some reps, no relief for accounts lost due to corporate bids for some reps, but relief for others just because they were the "chosen".
The people that left were offered salary increases and other considerations to stay with Quest, but they left not because of money, but because they wanted to go somewhere they would feel they were valued and the atmosphere would be fun again. You treat good people like dog crap and if they have options they will leave.

This scenario will continue across the company because our mangement is too arrogant and frankly stupid to understand what is happening. If PAML did a joint venture wit a large hospital group in Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, or other market, you would see the same thing but the numbers of reps leaving would be staggering. Nosense may be gone, but his mentality lives on!

Thank you for your comments new PAML recruits, it shows your complete lack of awareness. I heard that your "fearless leader" deserted you, that the JV is falling apart already and that you are about to get your tails kicked in the impending law suit. You might want to consider running away like he did.

funny how people are still talking about how great Kyle was. He actually wasn't a great SD. He was not successful in Denver. He left,blamed others, brought people to PAML and left you high and dry to go to another lab. That is the true Kyle -all about him. So do not blame the lousy situation on others - blame where it started Kyle.

funny how people are still talking about how great Kyle was. He actually wasn't a great SD. He was not successful in Denver. He left,blamed others, brought people to PAML and left you high and dry to go to another lab. That is the true Kyle -all about him. So do not blame the lousy situation on others - blame where it started Kyle.

Like you are successful, Yacks. Heard you are on your way out.

The only thing that is rocking Quest's world is the inept management at Quest. LCA, Enzo, Bio-Reference, PAML, etc none of those labs can do as much damage as the clowns back in Madison, NJ. You can beat your chest all you want, but the truth is Quest's problems are not the result of the competition, but our own moronic leadership!

Pissed off in Long Island

Oh how so true ! I am also pissed off in LI. Quest is going down hard. NY/NJ is completely losing it's mojo while SM gets rich. Amazing !!!

funny how people are still talking about how great Kyle was. He actually wasn't a great SD. He was not successful in Denver. He left,blamed others, brought people to PAML and left you high and dry to go to another lab. That is the true Kyle -all about him. So do not blame the lousy situation on others - blame where it started Kyle.

Shame on you, Kyle was a good man, he cared for all and tried to make everyone’s life better. He fought the regional managers every step of the way.

Fix your own house before speaking if others.