Democraps Only Believe In Freedom Of THEIR Speech.


Brent Bozell opinion piece, the guy who calls the president a "skinny ghetto crackhead" lecturing anyone on decorum in speech as a source?


Dixie Chicks anybody?

Or how about anti-Daily Kos GOP resolution for "General Betray-us" ad submitted by a blogger?

Oh, and one more thing...


Brent Bozell opinion piece, the guy who calls the president a "skinny ghetto crackhead" lecturing anyone on decorum in speech as a source?


Dixie Chicks anybody?

Or how about anti-Daily Kos GOP resolution for "General Betray-us" ad submitted by a blogger?

Oh, and one more thing...


Does that mean one can oppose affirmative action and not be called a racist by you and your ilk?

inquiring minds want to know


Of course. Now, would that opposition also come from someone who opposes built-in systematic white privilege? Inquiring minds also want to know that too.


what the fuck is "built in systematic white privilege"?

Where do you people get this crap? Is this part of that enlightened education you claim to have?

ROFLMAO. You guys crack me up.

"built in systematic white privilege"?



So does that mean that:

one can oppose affirmative action without being called a racist?

one can oppose gay marriage without being called a homophobe?

one can oppose forcing religious institutions to pay for birth control without being called a misogynist?

Just checkin ;)
It means that the pot smoking Bill Maher can call Palin a c**t and a Tundra t**t and gets away with it but Rush can't call someone a slut without being immediately castigated for doing so.

Conservatard views would be acceptable if they weren't so hateful, stupid, racist, homophobic, bigoted, pejorative, prejudicial and mostly just wrong.
Until they can get it right, they must STFU.

I understand now, my little sebastes Moronidae.

Your stance is that Conservatives may speak freely as long as we don't disagree with you.

Isn't that...Hitlerish of you? Or would that be Stalinist?

Tell you what, suppose we just split the difference between the two and callit Obamaist of you. Obama is somewhere between Hitler and Stalin. Or maybe it would be better to compare your statements to Saddam Hussein or PolPot.
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I understand now, my little sebastes Moronidae.

Your stance is that Conservatives may speak freely as long as we don't disagree with you.

Isn't that...Hitlerish of you? Or would that be Stalinist?

Tell you what, suppose we just split the difference between the two and callit Obamaist of you. Obama is somewhere between Hitler and Stalin. Or maybe it would be better to compare your statements to Saddam Hussein or PolPot.

Well then, what would call the speech of those who like to throw the term NAZI around? Or the ridiculous hate speech of the mentally challenged hater of America?
See, conservaturds are just sooooo intolerant. And yet they seem to get their nut sacks twisted when their extremism is pointed out to them.
I guess failed mensa's aren't as smart as the ones who get accepted. Too damn bad.

Well then, what would call the speech of those who like to throw the term NAZI around? Or the ridiculous hate speech of the mentally challenged hater of America?
See, conservaturds are just sooooo intolerant. And yet they seem to get their nut sacks twisted when their extremism is pointed out to them.
I guess failed mensa's aren't as smart as the ones who get accepted. Too damn bad.

Whether you like it or not, the type of speech I use is constitutionally protected.If it weren't you would have been banned a long time ago.

I wasn't refused by Mensa. I was invited to become a member fifty years ago and I declined.
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Whether you like it or not, the type of speech I use is constitutionally protected.If it weren't you would have been banned a long time ago.

I wasn't refused by Mensa. I was invited to become a member fifty years ago and I declined.

That invitation must have been made in error, since you are wrong on virtually every criteria that would be considered, especially your childish ranting, raving and name-calling. No self respecting Mensa would ever want to be associated with such 'boorish' behavior. That, together with your inane ramblings about philosophy and politics would lead one to conclude that YOUR application to the society of the 'brains' was REJECTED and you have been angry and miserable ever since, reduced to making up war stories and fish stories and lying about both.

what the fuck is "built in systematic white privilege"?

Where do you people get this crap? Is this part of that enlightened education you claim to have?

ROFLMAO. You guys crack me up.

"built in systematic white privilege"?



That is the thing that keeps Asians from coming to the US and kicking everyone's ass on the SATs even though they barely know the language, culture, and look "different."