Delaware and Maryland governors pressure Pfizer

The deal is dead. To much political pressure now. Pfizer will take it's ball and go home, and AZ investors will watch 20% of their worth evaporate in a few days. Nice job government!

It's about time! I sure wish someone would realize the dire impact the job loss is going to be in the U.S. It won't just ruin the lives of 28,000 (+) people but their families as well. This stands to impact at least 100,000 people. Many will not find work again because the U.S. job market is so very bad. Kids college funds will be used to pay bills. Retirement funds will get used as unemployment continues past a few years. I really know of very few reps let go in my city who are working back in pharma. Of the 12 that lost their jobs over the last few years, two are working in the industry again. One in device and one back in pharma. Two got rehired in contract and then a year later were out of work again. Two are selling insurance and one is selling phones. That is what it looks like for us. As far as managers go, Many got other management jobs but most were out of work for longer than two years and most had to move. One that I know was out of work for five and starting his own "consulting business" until he was finally hired. Grim times.

The deal is dead. To much political pressure now. Pfizer will take it's ball and go home, and AZ investors will watch 20% of their worth evaporate in a few days. Nice job government!

You are an ass. To bad your mother did not have an abortion. You do realize that Pfizer has continued to buy and pillage and THEIR STOCK IS NO BETTER FOR ALL OF IT. Why? Because M&As only prop up a stock for a short time. Great for a day trader to buy low and sell high who has thousands of shares. Not great for the economy or people.

That's all rhetoric for US politicians so that they look like thay care, to look good to their constituents. Pfizer can say, "yes we'll preserve jobs" then do an about face....history repeats itself...this deal is TOO GOOD for either side to walk away..

2 blue states potentially losing private sector jobs. Go figure. And obama isn't going to help either. It's only lip service from the govs. Unemployeds need govt assistance. That's called job security for dem " leaders".

AZ stock has fallen over 3.5% just today. This deal is over.

Pfizer’s plan to buy London-based drug maker AstraZeneca and consolidate its headquarters in the U.K. to avoid higher U.S. tax rates is drawing fire from federal lawmakers, who are devising legislation to try and stop it.

It’s a long shot, though, that Sens. Carl Levin of Michigan and Ron Wyden of Oregon, both Democrats, will be able to devise a quick fix to prevent the move that will pass both houses of Congress. The corporate practice, known as “inversion,” was dubbed a “loophole” by Levin, who said allowing it would threaten federal tax receipts.

“Companies that exploit this loophole benefit from the protections and services the federal government provides, including patent protection, research and development tax credits, national security and more; they shouldn’t be allowed to shift their tax burden onto others,” Levin said in a prepared statement issued late Thursday.

Wyden told reporters that inversions represent a “hollowing out” of the tax base. He said he’s looking to take immediate steps to prevent the move.

Bloomberg quoted Sen. Rob Portman, a Republican from Ohio, as saying he was open to Wyden’s ideas but worried about the prospect of driving more jobs overseas. The news agency also quoted Sen. Orrin Hatch, Republican of Utah, as saying he agreed that inversions were a “big problem” but he does not agree with Wyden so far on a potential solution.

Pfizer PFE -0.60% , however, is not the first to make such a move, though it is the most notable. It’s offering to buy AstraZeneca AZN -3.10% for $106 billion, or $84 a share. AstraZeneca thus far has resisted Pfizer’s overture.

But there have been several other instances in recent years. Drug maker Actavis ACT -0.78% went from putting an “Inc.” after its name to a “PLC” once it domiciled in Dublin, Ireland after acquiring Warner Chilcott for $5 billion in 2013. Another drug maker, Perrigo, PRGO +0.99% did the same last year after buying Irish biotech Elan for $8.6 billion.

The issue could surface again next year after drug retailer Walgreen Co. WAG -0.78% decides whether to exercise an option to buy the remainder of Alliance Boots, a European drug store chain with roots in Switzerland and the U.K. Walgreen now owns 45% of the company.

Prospects for Levin and Wyden of passing some legislation to curb the problem, however, may be remote as Republicans are calling for an overhaul of the tax code. The two lawmakers say they are looking to pass a bill quickly that could thwart Pfizer’s plans.

2 blue states potentially losing private sector jobs. Go figure. And obama isn't going to help either. It's only lip service from the govs. Unemployeds need govt assistance. That's called job security for dem " leaders".

Oh my God, will the moronic Republitards go back to Bullshit Mountain (aka Fox News) and stop trying to blame shit on Obama that has nothing to do with him?

You fucking idiots would try and blame Obama when the McD's guy forgets to put your fries in your bag. For all your perpetual whining about personal responsibility, you sure love to absolve yourself of any sin and throw it at Obama.

He's black. Get the fuck over it you racist. If you think McCain or Romney would have done anything better than what Obama has done you are fucking delusional.

It is not race that's an issue, but it's easy to blame the post on that. It's the White House agenda's that cause issues. No matter if it's republican or democrat people will disagree with things.

Oh my God, will the moronic Republitards go back to Bullshit Mountain (aka Fox News) and stop trying to blame shit on Obama that has nothing to do with him?

You fucking idiots would try and blame Obama when the McD's guy forgets to put your fries in your bag. For all your perpetual whining about personal responsibility, you sure love to absolve yourself of any sin and throw it at Obama.

He's black. Get the fuck over it you racist. If you think McCain or Romney would have done anything better than what Obama has done you are fucking delusional.

Obama never had any leadership credentials. The only way, repeat ONLY way he ever won any election was via Alinsky rules, by having his campaign do anything and everything to demonize and discredit the opponent. His opponents were generally above that, and asked for votes based on merit and accomplishment. I don't know obama was black, I noticed only that he had no leadership credentials. Period. When candidates have human qualities and faults, that's human. Obama's peeps used anything and everything to define any and all if his opponents from the very first time he ran. Aside from you pointing out again and again he's black, I done one knows what you're implying, that his blackness carries some trait we should be afraid if? That actually makes YOU racist ..kinda funny isn't it . But, thanks to obama and his sycophants like you, a black man will never ever be prez again. Obama and senate majority have violated a sacred trust : they lied to the people. Continually. And middle class peeps were and are hurt financially because of it. That's his lack if leadership, and disregard fir the middle class that he allegedly champions. Just words. Best part us? Lois Lerner gonna take a BIG fall now, as team obama will throw her under bus. Then the rest will unravel also. Effing obama weaponizng the IRS is nasty, and then auditing contributed to conservative groups! OUCH. Take your head out if your butt. Trey gowdy is gonna unravel Lerner. And we're gonna watch no drama obama leave a legacy of failure. The constitution always wins.we the people.

Lol,,,and there you go name calling again because you have nothing. Obama never even had a paper route.

It is not race that's an issue, but it's easy to blame the post on that. It's the White House agenda's that cause issues. No matter if it's republican or democrat people will disagree with things.

Lefties always invoke racism and other -isms to derail a conversation from the real issue. They want their agenda, so the mission is if someone disagrees, the lefty launches ad homonem attack and a racist or. "War on x" label. Lefties are unable to provide the merit fir a discussion, so the only weapon they have is to remove you from the discussion. (Examples? Look at the above poster. Textbook. Lol. And look at any obama campaign. Lol ya got what you voted for, and middle class white collar (oops did I say white?) disappearing. Ya gonna call Barry a 1 percenter when he gets 20 million for a post-prez book deal? You'll be too poor to buy it, and too disgusted with him by then.

The deal is dead. To much political pressure now. Pfizer will take it's ball and go home, and AZ investors will watch 20% of their worth evaporate in a few days. Nice job government!

OK--you win the stupid award today. Political pressure? Political posturing you mean. All the screeching from Delaware couldn't keep AZ around--do you think anyone cares about the measly couple of hundred jobs they're providing now that they're a shell of them former selves? Everyone in Delaware knows that's a battle not worth fighting anymore.

It's about time! I sure wish someone would realize the dire impact the job loss is going to be in the U.S. It won't just ruin the lives of 28,000 (+) people but their families as well. This stands to impact at least 100,000 people. Many will not find work again because the U.S. job market is so very bad. Kids college funds will be used to pay bills. Retirement funds will get used as unemployment continues past a few years. I really know of very few reps let go in my city who are working back in pharma. Of the 12 that lost their jobs over the last few years, two are working in the industry again. One in device and one back in pharma. Two got rehired in contract and then a year later were out of work again. Two are selling insurance and one is selling phones. That is what it looks like for us. As far as managers go, Many got other management jobs but most were out of work for longer than two years and most had to move. One that I know was out of work for five and starting his own "consulting business" until he was finally hired. Grim times.

Boo hoo--times are a'changing. I'm sure it really bothered you when manufacturing went overseas; I doubt you were worrying about those hundreds of thousands and THEIR families. Why should anyone stick their necks out for you? Sign of the times--find something else to do and get used to it.

Boo hoo--times are a'changing. I'm sure it really bothered you when manufacturing went overseas; I doubt you were worrying about those hundreds of thousands and THEIR families. Why should anyone stick their necks out for you? Sign of the times--find something else to do and get used to it.

What obama wants, obama gets. Erosion of the middle class, push away jobs so even educated peeps become dependent in govt. You all voted for this. Lib agenda us to tell u what u want to hear', then do the opposite while you're all watching reality tv and tmz. Congrats!