What's rich is that you were either up at 2AM doing this, or up at 5AM doing this....that's a very sad existence. Meth addiction is real. Get some help. I'll pray for you.
Perhaps only the ignorant domestic left wing terrorists like you would expect everyone to be living in the US. There is internet in other continents in case you don't know. Please don't pray for me when you don't even believe in anything. As a healthy person, I enjoy the morning workout and watching the sunrise through my windows. I am sorry I cannot hate like you do. I elect to be happy. And I know opportunistic leeches like you like to cause misery to others. Let's face it, diversity is a great thing. But then we all know that this D&I BS is a total patronizing scam from the top and an extortion from the ground. No one legit will get any benefits out of this. Speaking of sad existence. Mind your own.