December Increase in Aloxi in January, WOW


Did anyone notice that their Aloxi numbers were increased after the month has passed. There should be some type of Law against this. Someone will be going on the Helsinn trip because of this and some will not. OB did it to us again! Thanks Japan

It is not just Aloxi. Look at Fragmin and Dacogen! The normal process of calculating goals was used. Taking six months of sales dividing by two and factoring in a growth percentage. With the new quarter starting in December there were more recent months to be looked at to calculate the goals for Q4. Thus an increase in goal for those who were experiencing good growth over the spring and summer and a decrease in goal for those who were tanking over the summer. Thus rewarding those who underperformed and hurting those who outperformed.

Either way this could have been communicated and explained better. Most companies would just finish out the quarter with the goals that were given and roll the Halaven sales into Q1 as extra sales. But then again other companies would have a much better launch incentive plan were you can make real big money if you blow out your target. Not points.

Retro changes after the fact never make people happy. Especially when it can hit their wallet. They probably though it would not be noticed by releasing goals while everyone was at POA. This should have been communicated when the December goal came out.

It is not just Aloxi. Look at Fragmin and Dacogen! The normal process of calculating goals was used. Taking six months of sales dividing by two and factoring in a growth percentage. With the new quarter starting in December there were more recent months to be looked at to calculate the goals for Q4. Thus an increase in goal for those who were experiencing good growth over the spring and summer and a decrease in goal for those who were tanking over the summer. Thus rewarding those who underperformed and hurting those who outperformed.

Either way this could have been communicated and explained better. Most companies would just finish out the quarter with the goals that were given and roll the Halaven sales into Q1 as extra sales. But then again other companies would have a much better launch incentive plan were you can make real big money if you blow out your target. Not points.

Retro changes after the fact never make people happy. Especially when it can hit their wallet. They probably though it would not be noticed by releasing goals while everyone was at POA. This should have been communicated when the December goal came out.

I am wondering if this is based on 5 weeks of data versus 4 weeks of data if December stayed in Q3.

How is it five weeks? December had four weeks and three days. November had four weeks and two days. October had four weeks and one day. Are you saying that 29-November and 30-November will count for December? It is really four weeks. You lose the extra three days with holidays anyway. Only one day was lost in November for a holiday. Puullleez tell us what is going on already.

Haven't you heard about the Robber Barrons of the Industrial age? Well, they are back with a vengence- grind the workers to the ground while the upper echelon reaps all the gold.

You all are missing it. Why put a goal out then later change the number after the quarter has passed. Thats like saying go catch ten fish, you go fishing and you real in 15 fish. Then after you caught those fish say I really want you to catch 20 fish.

The problem is this, you already told me what Corporate wanted, now after I have done that you tell me that I want you to get more. But the time period has elapsed.

If I entered my calls later in focus would you give me credit after the measurement period has passed? NO!!

They told us the quotas would change once Halaven was launched. Big deal. Some drugs increased, some decreased in my quota from the original. It is a wash. Grow up baby. That is sales.

I think I would've been happier without the explanation-----so I have 4 products to sell while other hospital reps have 2 or 3, and now I've taken on a portion of their quota? Next time, just don't bother telling me. It's exhausting putting up with this kind of "logic".

I think I would've been happier without the explanation-----so I have 4 products to sell while other hospital reps have 2 or 3, and now I've taken on a portion of their quota? Next time, just don't bother telling me. It's exhausting putting up with this kind of "logic".

yeah OB still didn't explain it well. As the OP said, those who had increasing sales the last 6 months were hurt, as were those that picked up other reps partial quotas? WTF?

There are always disclaimers that say the company can change or modify the goals or bonuses. So there is no legal situation here. It is just a question of what is the right thing to do. The changes should have been made when the December goals came out back on December 1.

There are always disclaimers that say the company can change or modify the goals or bonuses. So there is no legal situation here. It is just a question of what is the right thing to do. The changes should have been made when the December goals came out back on December 1.

Yes they can modify the goals whenever they want but if they're doing it every month or quarter, doesn't this create a situation of fraud? A new hire is given a number that is their targeted bonus. If goals are being changed and we can't hit that number, HR is lying.