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Dear Ramona...

Not a fan of the Boston area, but the number of biopharma and startup companies in the Boston area far exceeds those in the Chicago area. Talent goes to the job opportunities.
Schools? MIT, Harvard and Yale aren't exactly slacker institutions. Chicago? U of C and Northwestern are great schools, but then what? Lake County Community College?
Shire has assets already in place, and Takeda Oncology is there somewhere. Other than very senior management, this will be a Shire show from a home office perspective. If they haven't started already, mid-level- Directors, Sr Directors and VPs in Deerfield ought to be seriously looking. Those who have earned their positions via the good old boy network will need to look twice as hard.

You can preach and preach...but they won't listen.

Then what?

University of Michigan, University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin, Indiana and Perdue.
You obviously missed the point- either you're paying tuition at one of those places for your fat dope kid, or still humming "Glory Days" as you walk around with your letter sweater on.

Talent goes where the jobs are. In biopharma, it isn't Chicago.

You obviously missed the point- either you're paying tuition at one of those places for your fat dope kid, or still humming "Glory Days" as you walk around with your letter sweater on.

Talent goes where the jobs are. In biopharma, it isn't Chicago.

I wouldn't get to up on yourself if I were you. George W. Bush and Donald Trump both graduated Ivy League and both struggle to put forward coherent grammatically correct sentences.

I had to respond to the posters who cannot understand why Boston is the right move. Do you work in this industry? There are more biotech job openings right now than people to fill them. The VC money is here, space is rented out specifically as "incubators" for start-ups. The collaboration across sectors is driving more rapid innovation. I'm sorry - I knew Boston was a hotspot but until I started looking into it I had no idea just how significant it has grown in the last 10 years. I really need to have a heart-to-heart with my family about moving if we intend to stay in this industry.

2 articles below for those who will still submit that we should stay in Chicago...



You obviously missed the point- either you're paying tuition at one of those places for your fat dope kid, or still humming "Glory Days" as you walk around with your letter sweater on.

Talent goes where the jobs are. In biopharma, it isn't Chicago.

I say, I say boy, I din't graduate me from one of them there Ivory Leege schools but it almost seems to me that when people talk about talent in biopharma, they may just be talking about people who do molecular and biological research, and not the folks who work in sales, marketing, finance or IT.

Mayhaps you could have one of them MITT graduates check the logic on that.

I say, I say boy, I din't graduate me from one of them there Ivory Leege schools but it almost seems to me that when people talk about talent in biopharma, they may just be talking about people who do molecular and biological research, and not the folks who work in sales, marketing, finance or IT.

Mayhaps you could have one of them MITT graduates check the logic on that.
Must have taken a lot to put that response together.

So when the molecular and bio research people start heading towards commercialization (that means "bringing them to market") of their molecules ("drugs"), do you think they might then need sales leadership, ops, marketing, contracting, market access, analytics, government affairs, training, legal departments? Maybe a cafeteria (place to "eat lunch")? Do you think most of those would be HQ based? Do you really think that the companies listed in the articles posted above only have scientists based at their HQ buildings?

Now that I think about it, you may have been at your intellectual terminal velocity when you wrote that.

Now you're making me feel bad as I never realized that the folks at Takeda San Diego were never allowed to have lunch since they weren't in Deerfield. :(

My thoughts are of course a start up Pharma company would need such things, but Takeda and Shire are not start ups, they already have such things and it really isn't necessary for them to all be housed in the same building.

If you walk away with anything from what I've posted it would be that it would seem like you'd have learned lessons from the last time you tried a merger and primarily would be to try to tamp down on the tribalism a bit. If Takeda moves it's HQ to Boston, I don't work there, I don't care, it really is being done for the benefit of the few and not because you are blanket exchanging one work force for a superior one.

Now you're making me feel bad as I never realized that the folks at Takeda San Diego were never allowed to have lunch since they weren't in Deerfield. :(

My thoughts are of course a start up Pharma company would need such things, but Takeda and Shire are not start ups, they already have such things and it really isn't necessary for them to all be housed in the same building.

If you walk away with anything from what I've posted it would be that it would seem like you'd have learned lessons from the last time you tried a merger and primarily would be to try to tamp down on the tribalism a bit. If Takeda moves it's HQ to Boston, I don't work there, I don't care, it really is being done for the benefit of the few and not because you are blanket exchanging one work force for a superior one.
Again, not talking about the propellor heads or the traditional field-based positions, but the rank and file that support them all at the director level and above.

Again, not talking about the propellor heads or the traditional field-based positions, but the rank and file that support them all at the director level and above.

And I would say again, there is plenty of good talent and schools in the mid-west just as I'm sure there is plenty of good talent and schools in the Northeast. Deerfield itself is a generic suburb that probably isn't very much different than any generic suburb of Boston.

To frame the decision to place the location of the headquarters in either Boston or Chicago as anything but the whim of top management is absurd.

And I would say again, there is plenty of good talent and schools in the mid-west just as I'm sure there is plenty of good talent and schools in the Northeast. Deerfield itself is a generic suburb that probably isn't very much different than any generic suburb of Boston.

To frame the decision to place the location of the headquarters in either Boston or Chicago as anything but the whim of top management is absurd.

Your lack of understanding as to what constitutes a biopharma hotspot is astounding. It’s not only whether or not there are a few good schools around, although last time I checked Harvard and MIT were both in Boston. It is where the access to start up partnerships and venture capital funding is strongest. I’ll give you a clue hotshot, it ain’t Chicago. The fact that Shire is stronger in rare disease than we are AND the fact that they are headquartered in Boston is not coincidence.

Japan has been looking for a way to shed all the deadweight in Deerfield since the Tap integration. We missed out on two major M and A deals at that time to Abbott. But we kept all the employees. Throw in a few failed product launches, major leadership debacles and no new products to replace the $8 billion dollar losses of Prevacid and Actos and you have a perfect storm. At one point, Japan talked about divesting entirely from the U.S. and partnering with other companies to market Takeda products.

This has been coming for a long time.

Your lack of understanding as to what constitutes a biopharma hotspot is astounding. It’s not only whether or not there are a few good schools around, although last time I checked Harvard and MIT were both in Boston. It is where the access to start up partnerships and venture capital funding is strongest. I’ll give you a clue hotshot, it ain’t Chicago. The fact that Shire is stronger in rare disease than we are AND the fact that they are headquartered in Boston is not coincidence.

I get it Harvard and MIT are great schools. Ranked by US News as #2 and #3. Michigan only ranks #27. But then Michigan is a large public university with 2.5+x more students than Harvard and MIT combined.

Wisconsin in only 49th but again has about 3x the students of Harvard and MIT combined. I'm guessing the people in the top third at either school would feel right at home in the Ivy League.

And you keep using those words start up partnerships and venture capital funding. If I'm not mistaken Takeda just paid $60 billion for Shire. The resulting company is neither a start up nor in need of venture capital.

I am pretty sure though that Takeda doesn't do bio-pharma research in Deerfield. You may have to check me on that. Which would seem to imply that the location of Takeda's headquarters isn't really relevant to why they are ahead of behind Shire in rare disease.

Japan has been looking for a way to shed all the deadweight in Deerfield since the Tap integration. We missed out on two major M and A deals at that time to Abbott. But we kept all the employees. Throw in a few failed product launches, major leadership debacles and no new products to replace the $8 billion dollar losses of Prevacid and Actos and you have a perfect storm. At one point, Japan talked about divesting entirely from the U.S. and partnering with other companies to market Takeda products.

This has been coming for a long time.

On a business standpoint makes total sense to me..then theres managed care..shudder

I get it Harvard and MIT are great schools. Ranked by US News as #2 and #3. Michigan only ranks #27. But then Michigan is a large public university with 2.5+x more students than Harvard and MIT combined.

Wisconsin in only 49th but again has about 3x the students of Harvard and MIT combined. I'm guessing the people in the top third at either school would feel right at home in the Ivy League.

And you keep using those words start up partnerships and venture capital funding. If I'm not mistaken Takeda just paid $60 billion for Shire. The resulting company is neither a start up nor in need of venture capital.

I am pretty sure though that Takeda doesn't do bio-pharma research in Deerfield. You may have to check me on that. Which would seem to imply that the location of Takeda's headquarters isn't really relevant to why they are ahead of behind Shire in rare disease.
I'm having a problem determining if you're just a troll baiting people for responses or if you are truly as stupid as you come across.
Read the linked articles in post #25. Regardless of your analysis, this is what's happening in the industry. Better get working on that resume because there's probably already one of you over there at Shire.

I'm having a problem determining if you're just a troll baiting people for responses or if you are truly as stupid as you come across.
Read the linked articles in post #25. Regardless of your analysis, this is what's happening in the industry. Better get working on that resume because there's probably already one of you over there at Shire.

If you want to move to Boston then by all means move to Boston. Both articles simply state that Boston is trendy. Fair enough.

But don't let them convince you or anybody else that you did anything wrong, that you're inferior to them, or any other of the bullshit that is coming down the pike. Takeda's R&D problem aren't coming from Chicago.

Ha! When JS is present...which is infrequent. Always some lame insulting excuse he throws out as if it’s enough to just look the other way. He and peers like him are the reason more women aren’t in leadership. What a phony though in front of women in leadership and then he laughs behind their backs. Disgusting.

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