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Dear Ramona...


Dear Ramona,
I hope you have had time to relax, you had plenty of time to watch football and enjoyed fall activities this weekend...
I tried to do that but had difficulties explaining to my son why I may not be seeing him during the week due to decisions made by management.
Can you please share with the rest of us what happened at the TET meeting?
Rumor has it that Cristophe was fine with having two US headquarters but you felt insecure and wanted to make sure you were close to the "action". Please let the roughly 1,000 workforce in Deerfield know how you voted at the the TET meeting and what arguments you made to make sure the site remained viable. Very conflicted by the rumors that you may be responsible for the closure of our "beloved" site. Just want to make sure before making a decision as to whether I would uproot my family to prop your ambitions.

P.S. your actions so far seem shallow and incensere.


Dear Ramona,
I hope you have had time to relax, you had plenty of time to watch football and enjoyed fall activities this weekend...
I tried to do that but had difficulties explaining to my son why I may not be seeing him during the week due to decisions made by management.
Can you please share with the rest of us what happened at the TET meeting?
Rumor has it that Cristophe was fine with having two US headquarters but you felt insecure and wanted to make sure you were close to the "action". Please let the roughly 1,000 workforce in Deerfield know how you voted at the the TET meeting and what arguments you made to make sure the site remained viable. Very conflicted by the rumors that you may be responsible for the closure of our "beloved" site. Just want to make sure before making a decision as to whether I would uproot my family to prop your ambitions.

P.S. your actions so far seem shallow and incensere.

The NEW place in Boston will have more Tranny bathrooms, so Takeda/Ramona couldn't resist itself!!!

Dear Ramona,
I hope you have had time to relax, you had plenty of time to watch football and enjoyed fall activities this weekend...
I tried to do that but had difficulties explaining to my son why I may not be seeing him during the week due to decisions made by management.
Can you please share with the rest of us what happened at the TET meeting?
Rumor has it that Cristophe was fine with having two US headquarters but you felt insecure and wanted to make sure you were close to the "action". Please let the roughly 1,000 workforce in Deerfield know how you voted at the the TET meeting and what arguments you made to make sure the site remained viable. Very conflicted by the rumors that you may be responsible for the closure of our "beloved" site. Just want to make sure before making a decision as to whether I would uproot my family to prop your ambitions.

P.S. your actions so far seem shallow and incensere.

Dear Ramona,
I hope you have had time to relax, you had plenty of time to watch football and enjoyed fall activities this weekend...
I tried to do that but had difficulties explaining to my son why I may not be seeing him during the week due to decisions made by management.
Can you please share with the rest of us what happened at the TET meeting?
Rumor has it that Cristophe was fine with having two US headquarters but you felt insecure and wanted to make sure you were close to the "action". Please let the roughly 1,000 workforce in Deerfield know how you voted at the the TET meeting and what arguments you made to make sure the site remained viable. Very conflicted by the rumors that you may be responsible for the closure of our "beloved" site. Just want to make sure before making a decision as to whether I would uproot my family to prop your ambitions.

P.S. your actions so far seem shallow and incensere.

If you didn’t see this coming your an idiot. There is no Pharma talent left in Chicago, it’s all in CA and the Boston/NY/NJ. Really hard to recruit top talent to a remote Chicago suburb. Shire has most of it’s US ops in Boston as well. The writing has been on the wall for awhile. I’m really sorry for those losing jobs but this has been painfully obvious for quite some time.

Christoph and Ramona knew this would happen and for the company to survive they need to move to a market with top talent in research, marketing and operations. Deerfield can’t compete with Boston, San Francisco, Ny/NJ and CA.

So much for Patient, Trust, Reputation and Business.

More like:

Patient: Will worry about you after deal closes.

Trust: There is none.

Reputation: Down the toilet.

Business: Comes first, as is evident by closure of Deerfield Campus.

If you didn’t see this coming your an idiot. There is no Pharma talent left in Chicago, it’s all in CA and the Boston/NY/NJ. Really hard to recruit top talent to a remote Chicago suburb. Shire has most of it’s US ops in Boston as well. The writing has been on the wall for awhile. I’m really sorry for those losing jobs but this has been painfully obvious for quite some time.

Christoph and Ramona knew this would happen and for the company to survive they need to move to a market with top talent in research, marketing and operations. Deerfield can’t compete with Boston, San Francisco, Ny/NJ and CA.

All this is true^^^

If you didn’t see this coming your an idiot. There is no Pharma talent left in Chicago, it’s all in CA and the Boston/NY/NJ. Really hard to recruit top talent to a remote Chicago suburb. Shire has most of it’s US ops in Boston as well. The writing has been on the wall for awhile. I’m really sorry for those losing jobs but this has been painfully obvious for quite some time.

Christoph and Ramona knew this would happen and for the company to survive they need to move to a market with top talent in research, marketing and operations. Deerfield can’t compete with Boston, San Francisco, Ny/NJ and CA.

If you didn’t see this coming your an idiot. There is no Pharma talent left in Chicago, it’s all in CA and the Boston/NY/NJ. Really hard to recruit top talent to a remote Chicago suburb. Shire has most of it’s US ops in Boston as well. The writing has been on the wall for awhile. I’m really sorry for those losing jobs but this has been painfully obvious for quite some time.

Christoph and Ramona knew this would happen and for the company to survive they need to move to a market with top talent in research, marketing and operations. Deerfield can’t compete with Boston, San Francisco, Ny/NJ and CA.

You are a moron. Half these so-called talents in Boston are useless POS. The have no experience, no intellect (despite MIT and Harvard), arrogant yet ignorant, and can’t execute. That’s why the new hires who are talented are from elsewhere and they don’t even need to move to Boston. They are working from NY, NJ, CA, etc. Just ask oncology and bus dev. Fucking moron. You’re few French fries short of Happy Meal.

You are a moron. Half these so-called talents in Boston are useless POS. The have no experience, no intellect (despite MIT and Harvard), arrogant yet ignorant, and can’t execute. That’s why the new hires who are talented are from elsewhere and they don’t even need to move to Boston. They are working from NY, NJ, CA, etc. Just ask oncology and bus dev. Fucking moron. You’re few French fries short of Happy Meal.

My point was there is better talent and more Pharma and biotech companies in Boston. Also no one wants to move to the suburbs of Chicago. Go speak to the internal recruiters. Once people realize they have to work in Deerfield they drop out. Several times the company has let people work remotely. The fact that Deerfield marketing teams have no idea who there counterparts are in Boston should tell you something. Deerfield has been doomed for years. Sorry just a fact.

My point was there is better talent and more Pharma and biotech companies in Boston. Also no one wants to move to the suburbs of Chicago. Go speak to the internal recruiters. Once people realize they have to work in Deerfield they drop out. Several times the company has let people work remotely. The fact that Deerfield marketing teams have no idea who there counterparts are in Boston should tell you something. Deerfield has been doomed for years. Sorry just a fact.
Again on point..People can't handle the truth.

Wrong. It has nothing to do with truth. It is all perception. Also, Takeda US commercial is on Boston??? NOT!!!! Shire commercial, yes. Takeda US commercial, NO! That’s why your comment regarding DF not knowing anything commercial going on in TBOS is completely wrong. Of course, I am on sales rep message board so it explains why the IQ level on this message board is abysmally low. None of you deserve to be going to TBOS and only 10% of you will even be given the opportunity but the relo plan will completely suck. Ask all the R&D folks who were given the relo package. Basically, they don’t want you and I can see why.

Wrong. It has nothing to do with truth. It is all perception. Also, Takeda US commercial is on Boston??? NOT!!!! Shire commercial, yes. Takeda US commercial, NO! That’s why your comment regarding DF not knowing anything commercial going on in TBOS is completely wrong. Of course, I am on sales rep message board so it explains why the IQ level on this message board is abysmally low. None of you deserve to be going to TBOS and only 10% of you will even be given the opportunity but the relo plan will completely suck. Ask all the R&D folks who were given the relo package. Basically, they don’t want you and I can see why.


My point was there is better talent and more Pharma and biotech companies in Boston. Also no one wants to move to the suburbs of Chicago. Go speak to the internal recruiters. Once people realize they have to work in Deerfield they drop out. Several times the company has let people work remotely. The fact that Deerfield marketing teams have no idea who there counterparts are in Boston should tell you something. Deerfield has been doomed for years. Sorry just a fact.

Chicago has two of the top 10 universities in the country and top 25 globally. So really, not all of the talent is in Boston or California. The problem is it sounds like Shire has the products and Takeda doesn't so it just made sense to go with Shire. Senior management not loyal to the workforce or the locality took the opportunity to ditch both.

Chicago has two of the top 10 universities in the country and top 25 globally. So really, not all of the talent is in Boston or California. The problem is it sounds like Shire has the products and Takeda doesn't so it just made sense to go with Shire. Senior management not loyal to the workforce or the locality took the opportunity to ditch both.
Not a fan of the Boston area, but the number of biopharma and startup companies in the Boston area far exceeds those in the Chicago area. Talent goes to the job opportunities.
Schools? MIT, Harvard and Yale aren't exactly slacker institutions. Chicago? U of C and Northwestern are great schools, but then what? Lake County Community College?
Shire has assets already in place, and Takeda Oncology is there somewhere. Other than very senior management, this will be a Shire show from a home office perspective. If they haven't started already, mid-level- Directors, Sr Directors and VPs in Deerfield ought to be seriously looking. Those who have earned their positions via the good old boy network will need to look twice as hard.

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