Dear Patty...

My point exactly! Those who are underperforming, including the NSD, is not a keeper!

Oh my goodness, this is exactly the environment I was hoping to avoid. I came from a company that kept the sales force in constant fear for their jobs and upper management that only operated for their own well being. It looks as though I am acting like an abused spouse that is drawn to the next abusive relationship thinking it will be different. This company sucks and I will not stay thinking it will get better. As much as I hate to change companies so quickly I am definitely able to admit I made a mistake in coming here.

But the NSD's low goal attainment is directly due to your low goal attainment. So is she to blame for your awful performance? Or are you to blame for hers?

She is responsible for the master plan and has yet to produce anything close to a plan. She is barely a warm body. Knows nothing about Nephrology and marketing a product like Rayaldee. This team needs radical change; not a useless warm body at the helm.

Foundation funding is gone with the wind. We need to go back to the drawing board. Start over. Lower the price and get some traction in the marketplace. And while we are at it, how about something other that a company funded study. Any real KOL’s out there at institutions that are willing to throw us a bone?

Foundation funding is gone with the wind. We need to go back to the drawing board. Start over. Lower the price and get some traction in the marketplace. And while we are at it, how about something other that a company funded study. Any real KOL’s out there at institutions that are willing to throw us a bone?
If you want KOL’s you need to first develop relationships with them. Frost doesn’t believe in MSL’s. “They aren’t supposed to sell? Why would I pay for that?”

I have never felt so threatened and unsafe in my entire career. It’s a terrible culture of fear and intimidation. In fact, I’m so convinced that the first person who wants to see me fail and who will undoubtedly rat on me at first opportunity is my RSM. They’re so paranoid, totally useless and bring no value.

I have never felt so threatened and unsafe in my entire career. It’s a terrible culture of fear and intimidation. In fact, I’m so convinced that the first person who wants to see me fail and who will undoubtedly rat on me at first opportunity is my RSM. They’re so paranoid, totally useless and bring no value.

Threatened for what? Being a better employee than your useless DM? Shocking!