Dear jerry and april


Having left forest a short time ago after many years in the east, I thought I could teach you a few things.
The company where I am now ACTUALLY cares about employees and patients.
Here's a miracle: we are told that the patient is first, and even if it means losing the sale, do the right thing.
Talking is not selling. Listening is selling.
We sell the science, and let the medical DOCTOR make the decision.
It is so different than the ugly, low level environment you have created. These are REAL professionals.
Get a clue

Having left forest a short time ago after many years in the east, I thought I could teach you a few things.
The company where I am now ACTUALLY cares about employees and patients.
Here's a miracle: we are told that the patient is first, and even if it means losing the sale, do the right thing.
Talking is not selling. Listening is selling.
We sell the science, and let the medical DOCTOR make the decision.
It is so different than the ugly, low level environment you have created. These are REAL professionals.
Get a clue

She got to where she is at not the least because she encouraged her managers and reps to 'do what it takes' to get/buy that script. Doesn't work so well in Hospitals

Having left forest a short time ago after many years in the east, I thought I could teach you a few things.
The company where I am now ACTUALLY cares about employees and patients.
Here's a miracle: we are told that the patient is first, and even if it means losing the sale, do the right thing.
Talking is not selling. Listening is selling.
We sell the science, and let the medical DOCTOR make the decision.
It is so different than the ugly, low level environment you have created. These are REAL professionals.
Get a clue

It's always about selling.

They will lose more good hospital reps..when someone is paid $40k less in base than the industry standard..eventually someone offers them a better life...we are trying to support our families. . All those in mgmt that have robbed from their employees will someday stand before the Throne of God and will be required to give an accounting for every deed done and every word spoken. ..

They are not being honest; not the ones in my area any way; trying to keep everything rosey so that go out on a good note

More good people leaving soon in east.

They are not being honest because they know it won't change a thing. Here is a clue....a lot of good people are leaving IS1 as you get ready to launch a new gram-negative antibiotic.

That should tell you all you need to know. Forest was and is a terrible place to work. Its in its culture.

Exactly. Don't tell us we are better than Medicines Company and Cubist either. What is this, high school? Change the game here and people might get excited about having the great drugs we do. You would never know it because this is a dysfunctional place to work.

We really should be a business school case study about how to run a sales organization into the ground.

They will lose more good hospital reps..when someone is paid $40k less in base than the industry standard..eventually someone offers them a better life...we are trying to support our families. . All those in mgmt that have robbed from their employees will someday stand before the Throne of God and will be required to give an accounting for every deed done and every word spoken. ..

Wow, ok, funny.... But it's just a job, not the second coming of Jesus!

Lowest salaries in the anti-infective industry, monthly DM ride alongs that go nowhere, roommates at POAs, treating us like children every step of the way, hiring retail DMs that have no idea what they're doing, raising thr price of Teflaro without any new indications...I could go on...

Lowest salaries in the anti-infective industry, monthly DM ride alongs that go nowhere, roommates at POAs, treating us like children every step of the way, hiring retail DMs that have no idea what they're doing, raising thr price of Teflaro without any new indications...I could go on...

Wow....pretty damning indictment. But unfortunately it's also a very accurate indictment.
I didn't think it was possible but you just demotivated me even more......

Wow....pretty damning indictment. But unfortunately it's also a very accurate indictment.
I didn't think it was possible but you just demotivated me even more......

This place is a mess. I've watched the MO here for a decade, here's how its going to go:

JL and AA are going to do the only thing they know how: spreadsheets, trackers, and reach and frequency. They are going to double down on it. Mark my words. Instead of bringing in true hospital talent they will keep shoving what made them successful a decade ago in retail to hospital. Nobody below will say anything.

But we will keep bleeding talent.

This place is a mess. I've watched the MO here for a decade, here's how its going to go:

JL and AA are going to do the only thing they know how: spreadsheets, trackers, and reach and frequency. They are going to double down on it. Mark my words. Instead of bringing in true hospital talent they will keep shoving what made them successful a decade ago in retail to hospital. Nobody below will say anything.

But we will keep bleeding talent.

You are right. My retail DM (no hospital exp) is all about the almighty tracker! Reach and frequency, blah, blah, blah.

This place is a mess. I've watched the MO here for a decade, here's how its going to go:

JL and AA are going to do the only thing they know how: spreadsheets, trackers, and reach and frequency. They are going to double down on it. Mark my words. Instead of bringing in true hospital talent they will keep shoving what made them successful a decade ago in retail to hospital. Nobody below will say anything.

But we will keep bleeding talent.

You could not be more accurate. And as Cubist expands, there will be more bleeding of talent. Advice to JL and especially AA - look in the mirror and take responsibility. You make all of us responsible for our sales. You should be responsible for maintaining your salesforce.

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