If you are considering the current gattex environment rare disease, you are sorely mistaken. Unless you launched gattex, which very few if any here have done, then you are going to have a tough time getting a rare disease opportunity. Lets face it, what the GI sales force is doing is a far cry from what the folks who launched this product did. Thats why they all left. The environment changed and they knew it was more damaging to their career to stay.
Listen we get it, nps great / shire bad
only gattex launchers will ever get jobs ever again. When Shire bought NPS not all the reps mgt and leadership were treated very well. Some were shown the door. It’s not like (as reps) we wanted that to happen.
Some Gattex reps were great, some were lazy, and some were never going to be happy with the buy out.
You all apparently feel under appreciated and very insecure.
So I wanna ask everyone today to download The R Kelly song “World’s Greatest.” Celebrate the exceptionalism of the nps team so they can (once and for all)get over it and move forward with their lives in a positive way.