The entire charade of Talecris is coming to a rapid, ugly ending...
Grifols deal is dead, stock price on the verge of a massive drop, won't be able to make the numbers that will keep the street happy, not enough plasma available and they keep on killing poor little bunny rabbits with high fevers. So sad to watch but predictable. Predictable because bad things happen to bad, greedy, do anything to make their money people - those people who are "in charge" of the company today. Larry Stern and his band of co-conspirators are all in the big mess together now... no place to hide the sins of the past, no knight in shining armor coming to rescue them all from their own stupidity and greed, nobody poised to step in and make all the hard decisions that have to be made. These folks made a huge mess and now they've got to clean it up. There's some explaining to do like...
Why were all of the senior executives allowed to dump their millions and millions worth of stock with a pending acquisition? All of it within 10% of the ultimate high in stock price? Probably all of them with more knowledge about what's going on than the average joe investor. How will this all look when the stock drops to $15 a share? Can you say class action lawsuits? Real ones this time... and bunches of 'em.
How Talecris actually "made" all those great numbers for Q3? Someone might want to check into our accounting practices.
When does somebody plan on informing the analysts and all of our shareholders that the pile of crap in Clayton lovingly referred to as NFF (stands for not freakin' feasible btw) is a $400MM waste of time, money and resources? And that it really will take $600MM to actually make it work (anyone hear of SFF?) once Fluor gets through sucking the blood out of the company and discarding the carcass...
When does somebody figure out how to quit killing poor little bunnies every 2 weeks? I'm sure those bunnies are 100% accurate in picking up bad lots. I mean, honestly, why even have high tech analytical equipment when you've got the durable, fail safe, bunny rabbit to ensure your product is fit for injecting into a human... If it don't hurt a rabbit, it must be good - right?
Oh, wait a minute, they do have high tech analytical equipment at their disposal... I wonder what that kind of equipment could detect? Probably most anything down to the ppb level if you wanted to develop an assay... pretty smart people over there at Talecris... I think they could figure something out. Be careful though, once you know, you've got to do something about it, now don't you? Maybe not... you know, if it would affect the numbers or stock price or something really, really important like that.
So, looks like the company is getting ready to go through some serious twists and turns in the very near future. If you work for Talecris, hang on... it's going to be rough. If you own stock in Talecris, sell it as fast as you can and make some more money on the short side (it's about as sure a thing as comes along). And, finally, if you're a believer in Karma, sit back and watch it in action. Everyone at some point in their lives has to pay the price for their actions. Who steps up to the gallows first? Lets hope its those who deserve to be on the chopping block and not all of the hard working people that made all those pricks their millions. I guess that 100 shares of stock that was given out might be enough to take the family to McDonalds... better cash it in quick.
Grifols deal is dead, stock price on the verge of a massive drop, won't be able to make the numbers that will keep the street happy, not enough plasma available and they keep on killing poor little bunny rabbits with high fevers. So sad to watch but predictable. Predictable because bad things happen to bad, greedy, do anything to make their money people - those people who are "in charge" of the company today. Larry Stern and his band of co-conspirators are all in the big mess together now... no place to hide the sins of the past, no knight in shining armor coming to rescue them all from their own stupidity and greed, nobody poised to step in and make all the hard decisions that have to be made. These folks made a huge mess and now they've got to clean it up. There's some explaining to do like...
Why were all of the senior executives allowed to dump their millions and millions worth of stock with a pending acquisition? All of it within 10% of the ultimate high in stock price? Probably all of them with more knowledge about what's going on than the average joe investor. How will this all look when the stock drops to $15 a share? Can you say class action lawsuits? Real ones this time... and bunches of 'em.
How Talecris actually "made" all those great numbers for Q3? Someone might want to check into our accounting practices.
When does somebody plan on informing the analysts and all of our shareholders that the pile of crap in Clayton lovingly referred to as NFF (stands for not freakin' feasible btw) is a $400MM waste of time, money and resources? And that it really will take $600MM to actually make it work (anyone hear of SFF?) once Fluor gets through sucking the blood out of the company and discarding the carcass...
When does somebody figure out how to quit killing poor little bunnies every 2 weeks? I'm sure those bunnies are 100% accurate in picking up bad lots. I mean, honestly, why even have high tech analytical equipment when you've got the durable, fail safe, bunny rabbit to ensure your product is fit for injecting into a human... If it don't hurt a rabbit, it must be good - right?
Oh, wait a minute, they do have high tech analytical equipment at their disposal... I wonder what that kind of equipment could detect? Probably most anything down to the ppb level if you wanted to develop an assay... pretty smart people over there at Talecris... I think they could figure something out. Be careful though, once you know, you've got to do something about it, now don't you? Maybe not... you know, if it would affect the numbers or stock price or something really, really important like that.
So, looks like the company is getting ready to go through some serious twists and turns in the very near future. If you work for Talecris, hang on... it's going to be rough. If you own stock in Talecris, sell it as fast as you can and make some more money on the short side (it's about as sure a thing as comes along). And, finally, if you're a believer in Karma, sit back and watch it in action. Everyone at some point in their lives has to pay the price for their actions. Who steps up to the gallows first? Lets hope its those who deserve to be on the chopping block and not all of the hard working people that made all those pricks their millions. I guess that 100 shares of stock that was given out might be enough to take the family to McDonalds... better cash it in quick.