The man fell among thieves. Didn't he catch a clue early on the boat rides? Couldn't he tell who he was dealing with? Did no one at any level warn him about the dark side?

Or is he being forced out?

The man fell among thieves. Didn't he catch a clue early on the boat rides? Couldn't he tell who he was dealing with? Did no one at any level warn him about the dark side?

Or is he being forced out?

The man fell among thieves. Didn't he catch a clue early on the boat rides? Couldn't he tell who he was dealing with? Did no one at any level warn him about the dark side?

Or is he being forced out?

The man fell among thieves. Didn't he catch a clue early on the boat rides? Couldn't he tell who he was dealing with? Did no one at any level warn him about the dark side?

Or is he being forced out?

The man fell among thieves. Didn't he catch a clue early on the boat rides? Couldn't he tell who he was dealing with? Did no one at any level warn him about the dark side?

Or is he being forced out?

You'd have to be a blind monkey with 1/2 an arm to not know what was going on here. Check the expense reports, watch for the weird receipts, the gift cards?? the wild swings in profiles in territories with or without Bio D and/or Bio Ref. This business is tainted.

Does anyone know where DE went? We lost a great leader.

Good leader not have to be able to stand up to the bad apples and flush them out. He couldn't do it -- too much pressure to make the numbers and that means turning your head away from the cheaters.

We have lost alot of people in the past 6 months - a sign this place is dying....bad sales model, bad leaders.

This place was drained of anyone with an ethic along time ago. I am surprised DE stayed as long as he did. Should have paid better attention to the psych questions we had to answer before working for the old guard. They smelt.