Heard DE became a confirmed eunuch due to circumstances beyond his control. His voice is now a couple of octaves higher than when you heard him last. His groin is flat and lacking any bulge or crack. That says it all. He's happiest now than he has ever been.

why are you guys hating on DE. He is a good dude cares about the people and goes out of his way to say hi when he sees you. He knows what we do everyday, but does not talk about it. Hit your goals and everyone loves you. You people who are under plan are just lazy reps and do not know how to push your accounts to the max. I been here less than a year and I am above plan. It is called getting up and driving everyday to your offices.

How is it going out of his way to say hi when he sees us, I though that was what common courtesy and normal social behavior is?! Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Can everyone stop whining and drumming up drama, go sell something your numbers suck!

why are you guys hating on DE. He is a good dude cares about the people and goes out of his way to say hi when he sees you. He knows what we do everyday, but does not talk about it. Hit your goals and everyone loves you. You people who are under plan are just lazy reps and do not know how to push your accounts to the max. I been here less than a year and I am above plan. It is called getting up and driving everyday to your offices.

it's easy the first year, if you don't make your goals the first year you are an idiot. Let's hear from you on year 2 or 3 when your gift cards aren't enough or the docs are writing when they can and you can't pay them anymore

it's easy the first year, if you don't make your goals the first year you are an idiot. Let's hear from you on year 2 or 3 when your gift cards aren't enough or the docs are writing when they can and you can't pay them anymore

OH YES....happy happy when you march across the stage and get ACE, collect your check, good times. MM and DE shake your hand , and you get a pretty picture. grow those numbers again moose!!

Hey I'm walking across the stage again, ACE 3!!! stop posting crap about thermo, my numbers are kickin and this is great. Don't care about anybody else, I'm rolling so now all I have to do is stay floating next year!

Yes, all you have to do is stay floating.

Watched an old live TV show during the holiday by Rod Serling called Patterns. It shows among other things that ambition always wins.

Its on you tube and available as a freebie on Amazon. See below.

Except for the use of terms like “mimeographed” and “teletype,” little about the drama seems dated, unless one is of the opinion that corporate politics and boardroom bloodletting no longer exist... With a rapid introduction of characters, Serling pulls a viewer almost immediately into his story, a tale of corporate morality—or the lack of it—and such everyday battles as the ones waged between conscience and ambition.

why are you guys hating on DE. He is a good dude cares about the people and goes out of his way to say hi when he sees you. He knows what we do everyday, but does not talk about it. Hit your goals and everyone loves you. You people who are under plan are just lazy reps and do not know how to push your accounts to the max. I been here less than a year and I am above plan. It is called getting up and driving everyday to your offices.

Nobody is "hating" on DE. It is just sad to see that someone who values integrity and "taking care of our people" act in a non-congruent manner. Your post is sophomoric.

and your message is brave and honest

It is true that ambition always wins, over a person's sense of ethics and what is right. I saw that movie and it applies. Nice guy comes in, determines to lead with integrity, and you just know the pattern will repeat. It always does. And he does not even know he is changed.

The man fell among thieves. Didn't he catch a clue early on the boat rides? Couldn't he tell who he was dealing with? Did no one at any level warn him about the dark side?

Or is he being forced out?