DCS 3s get those resumes ready for spring


No way ! That makes no scenes, so then who launches the new product? Wouldn't be a good business decision with three then each can carry all products get more exposure I product lead each!
When you get some real facts then post something don't just post to post crap!

Delusional sales rep. The word on the street is there will be another round somewhere down the road and who makes the most money with very little access?

Yes, if launch does not go well and we are right back to the dismal Tresiba launch then layoffs are warranted. Who to say will go is all based off business rules and what makes the most scenes for the business. Areas with poor access are more than likely to be hit harder than those with better access! Managers included that's why they need to be in the field with you pushing to think outside the box to gain access.

Left at the end of November. Best decision I ever made. Good luck to all who stay...
I call BS you probably are regretting leaving why else would you be looking on the novo threads! Other than your a troll. Where I'd you go? Oh wait let me guess Some BS medical device sales I bet with high hopes of earning commissions on devices that no one wants. Wait let me guess all the other reps make 100+k there cause they sell so much! Been there done that leaving that bs for novo was the best move I ever made! Maybe novo is going through tough times now but weeding out trolls like you makes us better one person at a time!

The DCS 3 spot is useless now we are literally stepping on each other's toes all carrying same product! Two man pods are better get rid of the Ns asap let's save the money!

I call BS you probably are regretting leaving why else would you be looking on the novo threads! Other than your a troll. Where I'd you go? Oh wait let me guess Some BS medical device sales I bet with high hopes of earning commissions on devices that no one wants. Wait let me guess all the other reps make 100+k there cause they sell so much! Been there done that leaving that bs for novo was the best move I ever made! Maybe novo is going through tough times now but weeding out trolls like you makes us better one person at a time!

I hope you pre-call plan better than you proofread.