DBMs gone!

What pharmaceutical company doesn't use American Express? We will have to make sure they pay Mastercard promptly and regularly as we are responsible for late fees and interest! WTF? These are work related charges and we are responsible? I heard the new expense reporting program is the worst in the industry. Talk about taking a cheap way out!

The managers that tell you everything is great are just of pussies! All they care about is having to fill a vacant territory with someone who knows what a blue H means! They don't care that they are dragging you down a dark hole !!

The managers that tell you everything is great are just of pussies! All they care about is having to fill a vacant territory with someone who knows what a blue H means! They don't care that they are dragging you down a dark hole !!

Agreed. My manager cares nothing about his team and only does things to advance his career and make himself look good. We have to all find new jobs soon.