
both! “the launch” accounts needed a year to figure it out and realize they cant underdose and split a vial between 3 patients (bring cheap) so they are coming around and reordering. New customers are fed up with allergan and their “new pricing” pressure so calling to get daxxify on their shelves instead. injectors are learning the competitive toxin reps were bad mouthing daxxify and now trying it a year later and they love it. My territory is doing triple YTD. leadership may suck but the product is superior, especially when they don't “water it down” with saline. Sorry you know who you are.

Dysport lasts longer. Just as long as Daxxify.
ive literally only heard patients that 1. dont want to pay for anything 2. tell us they only need 12-15 units total in the whole face or 3.got a coupon from groupon: Ever tell me dysport lasts the same. they also claim “the last place def only gave them 12 units total”. laughing at the salty competitive reps in this chat. daxxi is a higher quality product. it was just rolled out wrong. hopefully crown does the right thing.

ive literally only heard patients that 1. dont want to pay for anything 2. tell us they only need 12-15 units total in the whole face or 3.got a coupon from groupon: Ever tell me dysport lasts the same. they also claim “the last place def only gave them 12 units total”. laughing at the salty competitive reps in this chat. daxxi is a higher quality product. it was just rolled out wrong. hopefully crown does the right thing.

I've been with Allergan for quite some time. You weak sales Individuals at Shitvance make it so easy for me or should I say us here...your top sales reps that used to make it difficult to sell against are gone..and now it's just the bottom of the barrel there...keep pretending how good daxxify. I have gotten so much more business since daxxify failed. Enjoy your shitty company and your layoffs. You're all a total joke. Thanks for making me $$$ minions!!!!

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