Dave Santos

It is a new year & Time for change! If the new CCO has any clue what he's doing he will solve the organizations problem and fire DS.

JL, please make the fields dream come true. We need a real leader. Step up and do the right thing.

Agreed. Culture here went from great to poor quickly after his arrival. We are all working in silos...DH did not want this to occur. It's sad...many are already looking for the best new company that is coming soon.

I can't believe we have to go to another meeting with him on stage probably showing more family photos. He has no presence or respect by us in the field. The last 2 meetings I've been at with him have been a joke. How is he even still with this company?

No skills. He wouldn't even survive as a rep. How much longer will your executive team let this guy destroy Medivation? He keep getting demoted at Genentech so Onyx hires him and fires him quickly. Bad move.

It's pretty rich hearing lowly sales force minions complain about DS while unable to differentiate between "weak" and "week". I suppose that's why you're still in the field and he isn't?

We all love this company and are so inspired by DH vision. To bad our sales leader DS brings us down and can't carry a conversation with us in the field or customers. Well as my boss says "do you really want someone like him in front of your customers" - enough said.