Dave: how are ya now feeling about joining Sun ?

Hahahaha..... Having the time of my life. Just me and Hags. Abhay has no clue what's going on with us. Perfect.
He has no clue what’s going on anywhere. I seriously cannot imagine what dirt he has on Dilip that allows him to keep his job.
He’s not hit one target ever. Ilumya - can you imagine investing 1 billion for under 1% market share after 3 years? Complete failure.

He has no clue what’s going on anywhere. I seriously cannot imagine what dirt he has on Dilip that allows him to keep his job.
He’s not hit one target ever. Ilumya - can you imagine investing 1 billion for under 1% market share after 3 years? Complete failure.
And yet the two head marketers have kept their jobs for 5 years?

Another 2 bites the dust. An ASD and an RSM leaving. The revolving door keeps on spinning.

Maybe... just maybe... the problem isn't the field sales group. Maybe its been "Hags and the Midget" all along. The entire field ASD and key reps have left. All within 8 months . Who was hired then? Hummm. Maybe Abhay should be evaluating his management team? Marketing team ? Hahahahahahaha

He has no clue what’s going on anywhere. I seriously cannot imagine what dirt he has on Dilip that allows him to keep his job.
He’s not hit one target ever. Ilumya - can you imagine investing 1 billion for under 1% market share after 3 years? Complete failure.

So true- AG has no idea on how to run a business- heard he never listens to any of the Leaders

Maybe... just maybe... the problem isn't the field sales group. Maybe its been "Hags and the Midget" all along. The entire field ASD and key reps have left. All within 8 months . Who was hired then? Hummm. Maybe Abhay should be evaluating his management team? Marketing team ? Hahahahahahaha

While Hags and Kyle preceded Abhay, it’s Abhay who has hired everyone else.

There’s no way he could ever admit a mistake, when he’s actually the mistake.
What a piece of -

OPH Division - another ASD and an RSM from the West.

Abhay’s strategy is working:
Continue with the 45% turnover, and lower the hiring salary by 15% on each new hire.
Having the position open for 4-6 months, then backfilling it at 15% lower compensation, and (voluntary) rotating out every position every two years, your salary/bonus/benefits costs are dramatically reduced.
This, ladies and gents, is ‘the’ strategy.

Dave Esposito is one of the worst people I’ve ever worked for. He’s a racist snake…watch out for him! Two face b*tch!
That’s a pretty bold claim.
I’m not in a position to agree or disagree, but if you’re going to say that, you need to put the detailed proof out there at the same time.
Otherwise, you’re bullshit.