Dave Hass

Look you hate the guy. I don’t know him but I know several like him. Douche bag, giant ego and inadequate in reality. I’m sure his home life is a wreck with his flaccid performance issues he displaces to those he holds positional authority over.

I’m here to provide you a simple fix. Three of you reps get together at a local watering hole and have a few beers. Agree that at the last district meeting he instructed you to tell your customers that Januvia halts the progression of diabetes. When you pushed back he threatened you with the possibility of being displaced. Contact HR and the Ombudsman and share this with them. Legal will interview you and within 30 days he will be terminated. Don’t feel bad. Life is not fair. He does this crap to you guys now you push back.

That's a best practice to pass forward.

Dave Hass. You have destroyed reps careers. You have put families at risk. You are the reason I quit my job with Merck. Your relentless bully behavior is disgusting. And you have been rewarded for such behavior. Shame on you Merck for allowing this. Unless you are you are a young “cute” rep GET OUT! Dave next time you are with a rep on a field ride don’t pretend to yourself for one minute that your coaching is respected. That person is nodding in approval to what you say to keep their job. I would suggest a dental visit soon also. You are a mess. Embarrassing to our customers.

Well, Sadowski is gone and that’s a comeuppance long past due, but seems so lame now that Merck is in such a weak position. Now we wait for Hass. I’m certain his salary is an outlier compared to the rest of the less experienced and underpaid. Ok, Karma. Finish the job.