Dano Gotta Go

Remdesivir saved his a** last year. Remdesivir saw $5.6B in sales in 2021. It could be doing more this year but the horrible marketing and sales direction is totally off base. The reps are literally making nothing in bonus. All they're getting is bitched at about not probing appropriately and not delivering key messages.

…not sending enough Veeva email..
… not doing enough programs..
Doing programs …then not getting “targets” at programs

the BS is gaining momentum as it’s rolling down hill

Awful place to work. They do pay well that’s the only reason we stay. I wish someone on stage would just say… “you all will do exactly as we say because we pay you more than everyone else.” Moral has never been lower in all divisions and we do not care.

…not sending enough Veeva email..
… not doing enough programs..
Doing programs …then not getting “targets” at programs

the BS is gaining momentum as it’s rolling down hill
Sounds like the new Covid leadership that took over this year. ERD ED VP all have zero clue on this market trying to run it like a primary office base selling.
Until they go, the division will only continue to errode.

From poor FDA applications, to poor aquititions, to poor partnerships, paying billions in termination fees, poor executive hired to just plan poor 4yr performance , Dan O'Day time is up.
All the contradicting statements on mandatory Vax or termination and pushing support of abortion is just an after fact as Corp poor performance is why he has to go.

Nonsense. You clowns really have to stop operating as if you’re the majority. You’re not. The majority of people in the country and within the company supported vaccine mandates. The majority of people in this country support a woman’s right to choose (please see the Kansas public referendum). What’s that thing you and your ilk always say? “If you don’t like it: LEAVE.”

Maybe if you are an executive rep. Otherwise plenty of other companies that pay much more. Gild stock program is good but it’s not worth the anxiety and culture.

False. I’ve been at J&J & Merck I get paid wayyyy more at Gilead. We always say “at Gilead we’re lean,” and we pay our people top dollar because of it. Complain about a lot, but not our compensation. Maybe you’re just not delivering?

The biggest problem is a complete lack of understanding our business and lack of focus on production - this was replaced by forcing their beliefs down our throats and hiring under qualified people for positions based solely on their color

Wahhhh wahhhh. “Forcing their beliefs down our throats.” When you oversee a multi billion dollar company you get to create the culture. Until then: shut up and fall in line, or LEAVE, sugartits.

and how do you know that they’re under qualified? You don’t. You’re just talking out of your arse. I bet you’re a joy to be around at parties.

False. I’ve been at J&J & Merck I get paid wayyyy more at Gilead. We always say “at Gilead we’re lean,” and we pay our people top dollar because of it. Complain about a lot, but not our compensation. Maybe you’re just not delivering?

Those big box companies don’t pay more than most in the industry. Especially if you stay a long time…. It’s a joke. I left gilead and put 30k more on my base. Many of my friends did too with all the same story. Gilead pays well but there’s plenty out there that offer well above. The only thing gilead offers above industry is the stock plan but to take advantage of that you need to be an executive rep to get the bigger equity. If you make under 175k here base you’re kidding yourselves.

Wahhhh wahhhh. “Forcing their beliefs down our throats.” When you oversee a multi billion dollar company you get to create the culture. Until then: shut up and fall in line, or LEAVE, sugartits.

and how do you know that they’re under qualified? You don’t. You’re just talking out of your arse. I bet you’re a joy to be around at parties.

But that's not really the point. Not everyone in the company has the same beliefs, and the point of being CEO is to grow the company....not create a culture based on divisive issues. His only job is to increase share price. Nothing else. JM understood this. Mulligan was in over his head, and Dan enjoys being an activist - which is divisive - rather than doing his job as CEO. Of course folks can leave if they like, but the process itself is toxic and completely unnecessary.

Wahhhh wahhhh. “Forcing their beliefs down our throats.” When you oversee a multi billion dollar company you get to create the culture. Until then: shut up and fall in line, or LEAVE, sugartits.

and how do you know that they’re under qualified? You don’t. You’re just talking out of your arse. I bet you’re a joy to be around at parties.
Is this JP? How do we know they're under qualified? Are you serious?? They think a SOV Core Message sells a drug in hospitals and IDN's. The only thing we do at meetings is role play the core messages and probing questions. They're direction with the metrics drives our business decisions in the field every day instead of doing what really makes sense for the business and for the customer. We have not contracts for IDN's. We offer no support at all for the COVID community. All we have is a slick sales aid that is full of spin and carefully picked data. Do I need to go on?? Does that tell you how we "know" they're unqualified? Maybe your'e right... maybe they actually ARE qualified and they're f'ing with us. By the way.... this sh** is no party so that's irrelevant.

Is this JP? How do we know they're under qualified? Are you serious?? They think a SOV Core Message sells a drug in hospitals and IDN's. The only thing we do at meetings is role play the core messages and probing questions. They're direction with the metrics drives our business decisions in the field every day instead of doing what really makes sense for the business and for the customer. We have not contracts for IDN's. We offer no support at all for the COVID community. All we have is a slick sales aid that is full of spin and carefully picked data. Do I need to go on?? Does that tell you how we "know" they're unqualified? Maybe your'e right... maybe they actually ARE qualified and they're f'ing with us. By the way.... this sh** is no party so that's irrelevant.

You don’t know sh*t and that’s apparent from your post. Again, If you don’t like it: LEAVE. Since you know soooo much about the business. Maybe step outside of your little field sales box and try your hand at a leadership role, since you have all the answers. The fact of the matter is that if you were such an expert on making business decisions for an organization then you would be making them and not in field sales. If you don’t want to work under “unqualified” people then to spread your wings and share your world renowned expertise elsewhere. It’s that easy!

Everyone's time will eventually come and strike midnight.
The Dan & Joanna time is now up. Go retire back to your beach mansion with the millions you stole from share holders & BOD