To Mr. Daniels
As the owner of this business, many of us who have worked for the company are wondering when you will do something to take back control of the company from Markus Koch
Markus has had more and more influence in the business in the last few years, and I think you know the impact that this influence has had on the overall business, based on what limited information we have ever been provided with
Trying to run a business from Australia with a person with no interpersonal skills and who has taken control of the sales team is just plain stupid given his lack of ability to communicate, unless it is one way communication, his way, which is typified by public humiliation, berating and belittling of staff
His ability to motivate a team is non-existent; all he has achieved is making up arbitrary numbers and then then firing people when they do not achieve them.
Markus is a curse on the US business and something needs to be done before he ruins the company that has been built by many good people over the years. No one respects then man or his lack of ethics and honesty. As you can see from the posts above there are a lot of people that have similar views on Markus and his lack of leadership capabilities.
The theory has been espoused that Daniels Sharpsmart hires nice people, which is certainly not the case with Mr. Koch
Spend some time in the business Mr. Daniels by YOURSELF and ask some questions of people in private and in confidence and you may be surprised what you really find out about your CEO and his management style of lack thereof.
From an ex-employee, who resigned, because of Markus, and got out thankfully, and who knows many others who have similar thoughts and took similar actions in leaving, over to you Mr. Daniels.