Daniels Sharpsmart Inc.

Yes, I hear they did hire a new Director of US Sales. Take this opportunity to pray and send thanks to the god above that he somehow diverted you from committing career suicide at this poor excuse of a company.

Wow. It sounds like we worked at a completely different company. To hear someone talk about any of their employers like that, shocks and saddens me deeply.
I have been with SharpSmart for several years and I have to say I have the utmost respect for all the leaders in the organisation.
Markus is tough when he needs to be, but he is fair, and a very smart manager. I have seen a serious side and funny side to Markus. He made a few mistakes in hiring and keeping people that were not right for the job or the company but no one is perfect.
Markus supported me in my career and he has supported many others to reach their potential. SharpSmart is a great company with 100s of good employees, good leaders and great values over several decades.

I am not even going to dignify some of these remarks with a response. Everyone has the right to free speech and this portal seems to be an avenue for a disgruntled ex employee to vent his anger for losing a job.

Bitterness will hold you back, look forward and get on with life.
Your attitude determines your altitude.
Positive energy creates momentum.


Clearly you have not worked at the pointy end of the business

Detailed reply to follow

Markus, wait for this, you will love it ..............

Dan Daniels get your notebook ready some home truths to come ...............

Regarding the 4/6 happy horse sh!t post, seriously what planet is this person from?

I'm sure people said similar things about how great Hitler and the Nazi party was and look how that ended up...

To Mr. Daniels
As the owner of this business, many of us who have worked for the company are wondering when you will do something to take back control of the company from Markus Koch
Markus has had more and more influence in the business in the last few years, and I think you know the impact that this influence has had on the overall business, based on what limited information we have ever been provided with
Trying to run a business from Australia with a person with no interpersonal skills and who has taken control of the sales team is just plain stupid given his lack of ability to communicate, unless it is one way communication, his way, which is typified by public humiliation, berating and belittling of staff
His ability to motivate a team is non-existent; all he has achieved is making up arbitrary numbers and then then firing people when they do not achieve them.
Markus is a curse on the US business and something needs to be done before he ruins the company that has been built by many good people over the years. No one respects then man or his lack of ethics and honesty. As you can see from the posts above there are a lot of people that have similar views on Markus and his lack of leadership capabilities.
The theory has been espoused that Daniels Sharpsmart hires nice people, which is certainly not the case with Mr. Koch
Spend some time in the business Mr. Daniels by YOURSELF and ask some questions of people in private and in confidence and you may be surprised what you really find out about your CEO and his management style of lack thereof.
From an ex-employee, who resigned, because of Markus, and got out thankfully, and who knows many others who have similar thoughts and took similar actions in leaving, over to you Mr. Daniels.

For all the potential sales people being recruited by head hunters out there... After they claim that you can make 150k or better a year ask them for what the average sales person makes and the average time of employment at Daniels is. For sales it is under 2 years and salary and commission combined are at best half of what is promised. The number 1 sales person in the US never even comes close to the promised numbers.The company has a decent product and should win over the competition all day but finance has unrealistic demands on margins and the infrastructure is not there to support competitive pricing. Stericycle continues to win work against us due to lower pricing and better programs. The CEO flies off the handle on every sales call and I can only imagine his attitude at the upcoming sales meeting in Florida. The company rolled out a new system called Medsmart and has told everyone no liners are required and how safe it is. The most absurd thing is I was told by JHACO that every medical waste container has to have a liner and is a federal regulation! Oops guess someone missed that. We get ripped apart on a weekly basis for how horrible we are at sales and now find out our company is training Waste Management sales people on our products to sell directly to hospitals??? Not sure how long Daniels will employ their own staff if they have hundreds of WM sales people out marketing the products. The management team spends so much time flying around the country they get nothing accomplished with the exception of sending out emails delegating work down the ladder. Potential victims/employees listen... RUN FORREST RUN!!!!

For the most part, this company does suck to work for. One of the very few redeeming qualities this company has it that they refuse to work with abortion clinics. So no dumping of aborted fetuses directly into landfills like Stericycle has been known to do...

This company is a joke... No I am not a disgruntled exemployee, I am unfortunately still employed by these fools. I am just sick of the lies and deception. The new mgmt to lead sales is a joke. He is a joke and does not understand this business whatsoever. I can't wait to leave this company. I was lied to when I started and this by far has been the worst career move that I have ever made. We will never be able to compete with Stericycle because we simply do not have the service capabilites they do.

FYI, stericycle may do business with abortion clinics, but that waste does not go straight to landfill. That waste( pathological) goes to incinerators, so no landfill..

so as you can see. there are no redeeming qualities that this company that we collect paychecks from has.......

Not sure why people think Dan Daniels will change things. Quit catering to his shallow ego. He has people fired if they say something he doesn't want to hear (mgr in new york area), somehow feels the need to be everyones moral compass dictating what they should have done in their personal lives. Any business owner would see a problem by simply looking at the turnover and doing exit interviews. The company and all leadership are morally deprived. Seems to be an Aussie trend. The top three, Dan, Markass, and Skinner will say anything to get people to do something. Problems is they tend to be lies. How many times have I heard "we are working on that" "we are going to fix that" "You can make xxx dollars here" and the best "we'll look into that" "we'll discuss that later on or at our next meeting" which simply means "no" or "i don't have an answer". Skinner loves to come and make promises and paint a pretty picture but its based on lies. You'll get stuck fixing the problem and justifiing why we can't do something at the next customer meeting that Skinner just won't be able to make it to. The whole thing is a crooked mess. Dan knows there are serious problems but the lack of integrity allows him to wash his hands of any guilt.

I used to work for that worthless company. dont fix anything, pay is shitty. been there 5 years close the doors and moved to a none union state and dont even mention us in there news letter. No respect for there employess. Gary burns, Evean, Jamie, ALL WORTHLESS liers. they got radied the first 2 years i was there for ilegal aliens working there, and another for selling cocane. not joking about this at all. O and there sales reps. lol never rest ever. doing more thene the job they get paid for. Its a failer at a company. It came from and still is in astraila. need i say more. I have sever hatered for this company, o ya before i forget if your a truck driver lol get luck leagly driving under logs or proper permits or insurans lol.

Heard they hired a new Sales Director for US. Poor son-of-bitch either didn't see this thread or was too desperate to go work anywhere else. Good luck!

Sounds like things are going well for you buddy if you are on this site at 1:42 on a Thursday! Big job you have, things are going that well for you huh?

Sounds like things are going well for you buddy if you are on this site at 1:42 on a Thursday! Big job you have, things are going that well for you huh?

Hey dipshit! July 1st was a Sunday. You must be looking at your bass ackwards Austrailian calendar or do you dingoes just still keep time by making chalk marks on your prison cell walls? I posted probably around the same time your dumb ass should have been on your conference call with the pricks in Austrailia. Loser!