Dallas Reps

Yep, you are right..formulary wins keep coming in..bad Scios, bad Scios.

Formulary wins keep coming in, true. Sales....non existent. You Scios folks thought this was going to go over just like it did in Europe. You failed to realize that Pharmacy was going to restrict to Surg and Recovery. Once a patient goes to the floor they go on oral. You failed to realize that in the good ol' US patients infrequently spend an overnight in the hospital. They go home on orals!!! Now, you Scios idiots believe if you whip the sales force you will get them to convince hospitals and insurance companies to allow a gall bladder patient to spend 4 nights in the hospital and get 16 doses of Ofirmev! You, Mr Scios, are an idiot.

Your sales are going nowhere..mine are taking off. Accountability.

Let me ask you this Mr. Accountability. Are you sales anywhere near 39,000 vials?? Absoutley not!! Do you think your territory will ever do 39,000 doses?? Probably not!! Remember, that is 136 cases per month. Also, remember, that is what the average rep was going to do during the launch. Do you think that next year they are going to pay you anywhere near the bonus they promised this year?? Tell me one company you have worked for that paid more bonus in year two than year one. No way!! The more they reach into the cofers to pay promised bonus the more they are dipping into profits. Keeping people from leaving by changing compensation plans, finding bonus dollars and singing music tunes doesn't pay the bills in the long run. That is not good!!!!

Let me ask you this Mr. Accountability. Are you sales anywhere near 39,000 vials?? Absoutley not!! Do you think your territory will ever do 39,000 doses?? Probably not!! Remember, that is 136 cases per month. Also, remember, that is what the average rep was going to do during the launch. Do you think that next year they are going to pay you anywhere near the bonus they promised this year?? Tell me one company you have worked for that paid more bonus in year two than year one. No way!! The more they reach into the cofers to pay promised bonus the more they are dipping into profits. Keeping people from leaving by changing compensation plans, finding bonus dollars and singing music tunes doesn't pay the bills in the long run. That is not good!!!!

Posting at 10:22 in the morning? Try leaving the house and sell something.

To use an old cliche, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going". Sure its difficult for everyone but you'll never generate sales by sitting around like a bunch of old sittin hens clucking about how difficult it is.

I don't know about you, but my manager is fantastic and a true motivator. No BS here. Just shut up and sell. It will all work out in the end.

Dear Manager,
Please stop posting about yourself, it's pathetic. "just shut up and sell"? Stop regurgitating the crap that the vp and rd tell you on the conference calls, you puppet.

Now excuse me while I make a call on my top account, my pool, and work hard to attain that awesome ic.

Management doesn't get it! The 39000 vial quota is completely unattainable...90% plus of the sales force will never reach it. Management keeps trying to BS the reps about the company's "trajectory" and "projections"...maybe they will finally wake up and adjust the quota when half the sales force is gone! This is who's left so far: 3 reps in Dallas, Glendale rep, San Diego rep, St. Louis rep, TN rep, 2 reps in FL, rep in Indiana (or some "I" state), rep in NE, GA rep...and the list keeps growing. Do they really expect reps to work their#*?!!*# off and not make any bonus? We should have all known when they gave all the managers options but not the salesforce! "Trying to do the right thing?" Yeah, right!

Management doesn't get it! The 39000 vial quota is completely unattainable...90% plus of the sales force will never reach it. Management keeps trying to BS the reps about the company's "trajectory" and "projections"...maybe they will finally wake up and adjust the quota when half the sales force is gone! This is who's left so far: 3 reps in Dallas, Glendale rep, San Diego rep, St. Louis rep, TN rep, 2 reps in FL, rep in Indiana (or some "I" state), rep in NE, GA rep...and the list keeps growing. Do they really expect reps to work their#*?!!*# off and not make any bonus? We should have all known when they gave all the managers options but not the salesforce! "Trying to do the right thing?" Yeah, right!

Bottom line is if Management more educated in business, i.e., MBA's from decent schools..it would make a huge difference.

Harvard business review case studies and Cornell Biz monthly have countless research on sales management and expectation that counters our current approach.

Scios good ole boy club trumps tested business fundamentals.
I guess ignorance wins at Cadence.

Bottom line is if Management more educated in business, i.e., MBA's from decent schools..it would make a huge difference.

Harvard business review case studies and Cornell Biz monthly have countless research on sales management and expectation that counters our current approach.

Scios good ole boy club trumps tested business fundamentals.
I guess ignorance wins at Cadence.

You are clearly a primitive hominid. How did you adapt to the availability of of business opinion in academic periodicals? You might want to get your head out of your ass before you attempt to read the anything meaningful.