I heard three Dallas Reps quit in the last two weeks. What is going on?
I heard three Dallas Reps quit in the last two weeks. What is going on?
.got it for pitching a no hitter. Your next...........(your all)
They went to J&J for the new cardiovascular division selling the anticoagulant riva. It won't be an easy gig considering there is already an oral out and another coming...not to mention all the other competition. Some took the job and others flatly turned it down. Others will be giving their notice soon and going with another company that starts with P.
Wrong!!! Neither rep went to JNJ. Clueless///
.Wrong!!! Neither rep went to JNJ. Clueless///
Neither rep? There are more than 2 that are'll find out
How many are leaving and why?
Many left. Not just 3 in Dallas. More about to leave also. J&J and Xarelto a great gig, though. they will do fine. More will be leaving for a company that also has hospital products.
It is true about managers. We are coming to find in my District that the DSM's who have Scios backgrounds are assholes!!! Just note that 70+ percent of the DSM's are from Scios, Randy, Scott, and Ted! Great hires, Randy. Scios managers known to be assholes who have the influential capabilities of a pile of shit.
so true!
Dallas reps finally figure out that MB is an arrogant ahole
The one thing I have noticed about all of the Scios people is the following:
-they always think everything they did at Scios works.
-They have no idea what it takes to call on anyone other than the Cath Lab or cardiology.
-Have absoutley no idea what it is like to coordinate a massive hospital formulary process and the time it takes get on formulary.
-Provide no strategy whatsoever because they really don't know anything other than Cardiology or Scios stuff.
-Always believe that the best way to accomplish anything is to bully your way into a positive situation.
-Every manager really believes that they are the best manager on the planet and constantly tell you how great they have been in the past.
The one thing I have noticed about all of the Scios people is the following:
-they always think everything they did at Scios works.
-They have no idea what it takes to call on anyone other than the Cath Lab or cardiology.
-Have absoutley no idea what it is like to coordinate a massive hospital formulary process and the time it takes get on formulary.
-Provide no strategy whatsoever because they really don't know anything other than Cardiology or Scios stuff.
-Always believe that the best way to accomplish anything is to bully your way into a positive situation.
-Every manager really believes that they are the best manager on the planet and constantly tell you how great they have been in the past.
The one thing I have noticed about all of the Scios people is the following:
-they always think everything they did at Scios works.
-They have no idea what it takes to call on anyone other than the Cath Lab or cardiology.
-Have absoutley no idea what it is like to coordinate a massive hospital formulary process and the time it takes get on formulary.
-Provide no strategy whatsoever because they really don't know anything other than Cardiology or Scios stuff.
-Always believe that the best way to accomplish anything is to bully your way into a positive situation.
-Every manager really believes that they are the best manager on the planet and constantly tell you how great they have been in the past.