Dallas Office - Who Even Wants to Work There?


How is this work environment conducive to collaboration. It is distracting and most people don't seem to be collaborating. Not to mention the long drive, expensive tolls, and wasted time on the road.

I have noticed that USLT is using the Huddle Rooms as offices rather than utilizing the open concept and the occasional need of a phone booth. How rude to force us into the open while they mis-use optional rooms for their purposes. Shouldn't the leadership be setting the example for this new, trendy workspace.

Just disappointed all the way around. Rumor has it security in FW is supposed to give a daily headcount of who is still working in the FW office.


How is this work environment conducive to collaboration. It is distracting and most people don't seem to be collaborating. Not to mention the long drive, expensive tolls, and wasted time on the road.

I have noticed that USLT is using the Huddle Rooms as offices rather than utilizing the open concept and the occasional need of a phone booth. How rude to force us into the open while they mis-use optional rooms for their purposes. Shouldn't the leadership be setting the example for this new, trendy workspace.

Just disappointed all the way around. Rumor has it security in FW is supposed to give a daily headcount of who is still working in the FW office.
You should quit if you hate it and go work for a company in Fort Worth. Give your notice today and get out. No one wants your negative behavior here. Just quit! Bye!

You should quit if you hate it and go work for a company in Fort Worth. Give your notice today and get out. No one wants your negative behavior here. Just quit! Bye!
Exactly. The same people bitch all the damn time. This is the latest topic. Let us replace you with someone in Dallas with talent.

I agree the move to Dallas was the best thing that could have happened to us. It is a fun place to work as we are in the center of all the hustle and bustle a big town can offer. Give it a chance and stick around after work awhile and you will see what I mean

There is nothing wrong with enjoying my own town of Keller. I bought a house close to my work and the kids are settled in their schools. Not everyone wants to move to a big city. It is a big change among many big changes that have occurred lately. Galderma is a very different place these days. Always wondering who will be fired next. Employees are not valued anymore.

This would be a better comeback if you knew how to speak. Next time try the word “effect”, thanks!
and you should shut your public school mouth, stupid, thanks!


a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.


have an effect on; make a difference to.
A difference that may affect your life.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying my own town of Keller. I bought a house close to my work and the kids are settled in their schools. Not everyone wants to move to a big city. It is a big change among many big changes that have occurred lately. Galderma is a very different place these days. Always wondering who will be fired next. Employees are not valued anymore.
You should look for a job in Keller or Ft. Worth. The fact is that Galderma moved and if you don’t want to be in the big city, then leave.

I agree the move to Dallas was the best thing that could have happened to us. It is a fun place to work as we are in the center of all the hustle and bustle a big town can offer. Give it a chance and stick around after work awhile and you will see what I mean

Much like the Galderma postings on LinkedIn and elsewhere, if you tell the lie enough times, people will start to believe it, and maybe you may as well.

Open-plan offices (even if they're "nice" or "funky"). If employees' endless complaints about the distractions of open-plan offices weren't enough to convince management to get rid of them, decisive studies showing they're terrible for collaboration and innovation should have been. But some companies are still trying to sell open-plan designs by adding a thick layer of design on top of a wall-less room. Hint: Your team isn't buying it. "Funky offices. Still an open plan office that's really hard to work from, no matter how much glass & fake greenery there is,"

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