D & O meeting

Organizational management, whoa sign me up for some of that. You still don't get it about san diego but i give up on you. you must be in project management where it all gets done and where powerpoint presentations flow. Grow up shut up or leave hey, so you are basically against people having an opinion. Do you drive a Prius with an Obama sticker on it? Yes you can be any more of an - - -. Look another reference to the almighty rear. But wait you ended w dumb-ass so is that what u are into? How is the diamond business going?

P.S what's google?

Take care love

OMG! I totally know who this guy is! He has been complaining about this for the last few weeks to a few of us. Didn't you think some of us may come to this site? I can't believe how foolish you are. I'm going to print this and send it inter-office mail to your boss. The SD reference was really foolish on your part.

Organizational management, whoa sign me up for some of that. You still don't get it about san diego but i give up on you. you must be in project management where it all gets done and where powerpoint presentations flow. Grow up shut up or leave hey, so you are basically against people having an opinion. Do you drive a Prius with an Obama sticker on it? Yes you can be any more of an - - -. Look another reference to the almighty rear. But wait you ended w dumb-ass so is that what u are into? How is the diamond business going?

P.S what's google?

Take care love
Hey he's right, everyone is entitled to an opinion, mine is that he be euthanized. Hopefully by end of today.

Organizational management, whoa sign me up for some of that. You still don't get it about san diego but i give up on you. you must be in project management where it all gets done and where powerpoint presentations flow. Grow up shut up or leave hey, so you are basically against people having an opinion. Do you drive a Prius with an Obama sticker on it? Yes you can be any more of an - - -. Look another reference to the almighty rear. But wait you ended w dumb-ass so is that what u are into? How is the diamond business going?

P.S what's google?

Take care love

Google is that thing your old lady does to me when she's in the area of the taint. It's actually pretty good, her tongue is remarkably strong.

OMG! I totally know who this guy is! He has been complaining about this for the last few weeks to a few of us. Didn't you think some of us may come to this site? I can't believe how foolish you are. I'm going to print this and send it inter-office mail to your boss. The SD reference was really foolish on your part.

really? you also don't get it. amazing bunch out there in the field.

Opinions are fine, and you can have as many as you like. What you lack is courage. You complain on a site where absolutely nothing can happen. All you want to do is bitch and have someone read this and agree with you. Your simply a pussy. If you had any balls at all you would to to management and fix things or say screw it, I don't want to work here. You're like everyone on this site, blame others for problems and don't appreciate shit. Try to be original, in your sarcasm you simply copy me. Come on man, grow up.

You got some fine language "pussy; screw it; shit...." So it seems ladies and gents we have found a rare pearl. We will all be watching for your rise as CEO since now we have found the king of sarcasm, the amazing writer and more than likely a project manager of some sort.
By the way, why do you spend so much time on this site since it is only filled with losers, whiners and cry babies? are you looking for something special or maybe someone special that will love you for who you really are? I feel for you dude.

You got some fine language "pussy; screw it; shit...." So it seems ladies and gents we have found a rare pearl. We will all be watching for your rise as CEO since now we have found the king of sarcasm, the amazing writer and more than likely a project manager of some sort.
By the way, why do you spend so much time on this site since it is only filled with losers, whiners and cry babies? are you looking for something special or maybe someone special that will love you for who you really are? I feel for you dude.

Have you given up already? Boy, you do love the word pearl. Must be you like pearl necklaces? I'm a puppet master, you can't help but respond to me. I simply place a post and there you are. My guess is you can't wait to see if there is an update so you can write something. You probably get nervous, excited. The height of your day. I like to come to this site to make fun of people just like you. Someone suggested that you be euthanized, I like it. There is this new thing called retroactive abortion. You should check it out, its all the rage maybe from Apple? Look for the signs and wait in line, you'll love what they have in store for you. I am bored with you now. You lack creativity and wit, you're simply too easy (insert dumb). I'll move onto another site and hopefully find someone a bit brighter. Well, actually that should be easy. You're about as bright as a small appliance bulb.

Have you given up already? Boy, you do love the word pearl. Must be you like pearl necklaces? I'm a puppet master, you can't help but respond to me. I simply place a post and there you are. My guess is you can't wait to see if there is an update so you can write something. You probably get nervous, excited. The height of your day. I like to come to this site to make fun of people just like you. Someone suggested that you be euthanized, I like it. There is this new thing called retroactive abortion. You should check it out, its all the rage maybe from Apple? Look for the signs and wait in line, you'll love what they have in store for you. I am bored with you now. You lack creativity and wit, you're simply too easy (insert dumb). I'll move onto another site and hopefully find someone a bit brighter. Well, actually that should be easy. You're about as bright as a small appliance bulb.

Yeah please do that, move on to some other site where your love of the word dumb can be inserted every other words.

See that is a very simplistic view. Someone complains about a meeting with an opinion and you jump in to say leave the company you socialist pinhead. That is just arrogant and you most likely are frustrated about something. The ED&O meeting could be considered a perk or a pain. The perk to flaunt more "look at me i went to Palm Springs" or the pain of "dear God i am going to have to fake it for a few days and act like i do give a damn". Whichever category one might fall in someone expressing their feelings about a meeting they most likely did not attend is that person's choice. The real issue to me is what does amgn get out of such meeting except a large bill? Can a 15-20 billion company afford to send a few to the springs to play gof and shoot darts sure. We just sent 2000 folks to S1 in Vegas w KC and some sunshine so why the hell not send a bunch to eat lobster and listen to the top brass. The other thing is perception, we get rid off people w the rif and then repace them by contractors, we tell you no way you can attend training in san diego but let's send 20 people to Europe when you and i know it is not necessary. The thing is this it is not about fairness it is not about me wanting to go to europe or Chechnia it is about common sense and perspective in an environment that gives pharma a worse reputation than tobacco companies. So do i give a damn if we spent a ton of dough on mostly useless meetings yes not because of redistribution of wealth which would be a socialist theme and not because i want to rub elbows with the roger and sean of this world but because i care about what it looks like and you obviosuly don't.

How many ED&O meetings have you attended....zero i'm sure....yet somehow you know what they do and what goes on. Why can't you just focus on doing your job well. What you've written just makes no sense, fairness? The world and the workplace aren't fair, no one owes you or anyone that so you should stop thinking that. It's not a birthright or an Amgen right. while our rep can get better it is far ahead of tobacco companies. when you're wrong about things it really takes away from your credibility and you simply sound disgruntled.

See that is a very simplistic view. Someone complains about a meeting with an opinion and you jump in to say leave the company you socialist pinhead. That is just arrogant and you most likely are frustrated about something. The ED&O meeting could be considered a perk or a pain. The perk to flaunt more "look at me i went to Palm Springs" or the pain of "dear God i am going to have to fake it for a few days and act like i do give a damn". Whichever category one might fall in someone expressing their feelings about a meeting they most likely did not attend is that person's choice. The real issue to me is what does amgn get out of such meeting except a large bill? Can a 15-20 billion company afford to send a few to the springs to play gof and shoot darts sure. We just sent 2000 folks to S1 in Vegas w KC and some sunshine so why the hell not send a bunch to eat lobster and listen to the top brass. The other thing is perception, we get rid off people w the rif and then repace them by contractors, we tell you no way you can attend training in san diego but let's send 20 people to Europe when you and i know it is not necessary. The thing is this it is not about fairness it is not about me wanting to go to europe or Chechnia it is about common sense and perspective in an environment that gives pharma a worse reputation than tobacco companies. So do i give a damn if we spent a ton of dough on mostly useless meetings yes not because of redistribution of wealth which would be a socialist theme and not because i want to rub elbows with the roger and sean of this world but because i care about what it looks like and you obviosuly don't.

did the baby get his bottle yet? go to weather.com and look up the san diego weather, boy are you ever missing out. sorry i said no to the training, didn't realize you needed a refresher in how to suck ass. you seem like a real pro.

Sorry, I can't teach you to be smart. Your simply not. I notice this time you spelled it correctly, so I've taught you a little bit. Yes, the meeting is necessary. Because your low level and your boss wouldn't let you travel to San Diego your angry. I understand that and it's OK. There is help for you, so long as you are willing to seek it. Your constant reference to lewd sexual acts is evidence of latent homosexuality. Perhaps as you seek counseling you can also address this issue. I love my job and what I do. I hate cowards like you. Afraid to take a position publicly you lament on a site where no one can change anything. Instead of standing up for something you believe in you complain about things. Grow up, shut up or leave. If you don't understand how important it is for an organization to have strong alignment and understanding of strategy nothing I say will change that. Why don't you pick up a book on organizational management? Instead of googling names of foreign countries, google business management. You dumb-ass.

Ok so middle school must be where we met. You're is a contraction for "you are". " Your" is possessive, as in your pussy is tight. Maybe you shouldn't be throwing rocks in your little glass house genius

Ok so middle school must be where we met. You're is a contraction for "you are". " Your" is possessive, as in your pussy is tight. Maybe you shouldn't be throwing rocks in your little glass house genius

Again, you demonstrate an incredible lack of creativity or imagination. Instead of thinking of something original you simply copy me. Likely a wet dream for you is dreaming about your mom in the shower - or maybe for you your dad or grandpa on the toilet while you give him a dirty sanchez?
I feel so sorry for you, the best part of you likely ran down your dad's leg. Do us a favor, go into your garage and make sure the door is shut. Stuff a t-shirt in your tail pipe and sit in your car. Then start your engine and sit there, the creative ideas will flow. Let us know how that works out OK?

Ok so middle school must be where we met. You're is a contraction for "you are". " Your" is possessive, as in your pussy is tight. Maybe you shouldn't be throwing rocks in your little glass house genius

Guess the baby didn't get his bottle. Someone change his diaper, it's full of shit and he's stuffed it in between his ears. No brain anymore, just shit for brains. Ugh. you are so lacking in any creativity. Go blow your mom again.