D&I is a JOKE at Genentech

If you're referring to the D&I reception, EVERYONE is welcome and encouraged to attend. Last NFM probably 40% of the people there were non-minority. You should try stepping into a place where you are in the minority for a change, might do some good for you.
It was a few years ago and, no, I was not invited to any of the speciality receptions. Glad the company is trying to include everyone but the militance of D&I is a real turnoff. Nothing sincere about any of it and many of my minority friends are the first to agree. Force feeding never works.

The primary tactic of these D&I entities is to create a narrative that you would be labelled as a racist as soon as you disagree with their outrageous agenda. They shut out and silent every decent person and make them paranoid about being accused for being a racist. This dirty tactic has been very effective because of on one wants to piss off the mafia. At some point they have to be called out. Cancel QH and her destructive agenda.

The primary tactic of these D&I entities is to create a narrative that you would be labelled as a racist as soon as you disagree with their outrageous agenda. They shut out and silent every decent person and make them paranoid about being accused for being a racist. This dirty tactic has been very effective because of on one wants to piss off the mafia. At some point they have to be called out. Cancel QH and her destructive agenda.
By all means!!

It was a few years ago and, no, I was not invited to any of the speciality receptions. Glad the company is trying to include everyone but the militance of D&I is a real turnoff. Nothing sincere about any of it and many of my minority friends are the first to agree. Force feeding never works.

Force feeding never works because White Males open their hearts and minds and change on their own?

I too am a proud minority and frankly I cringe every time I see QH promote herself all over LinkedIn or other sources. It’s all fake, and I do t believe the promotion of her personal beliefs or her constant advertisements represent me at all.
They only represent her and her crew. I am a POC but don't identify with them whatsoever.

Looks like the usual group of whiners are at it again. The sad part of all this is how radicals on the left are dividing all of us. The other sad part is we now have to look at bedroom sex status, gender, and color as the main factors in determining who is qualified for the next promotion. I would suggest if you feel this Company is racist you are either ignorant, a fool, or simply a bitter person. This company has bent over backwards to be inclusive of all employees, (except for older ones) yet you cry babies want to throw insults. My suggestion is if it bothers you this much please leave. You are not doing anything noble or constructive, so get over entitled self. Anyone here regardless of color is easily replaced. Embrace, and be grateful for what you have, not what you don’t. Go to work, and post your drivel on facebook to alienate what few friend's you have left.

Thank you. Please check off that the angry white older men have checked in.

There are 24 officers in CMG, guess how many are white?

23. Yes, 23. That’s 96% of the officers at Genentech are WHITE. Let that sink in.

At every other level, 40% are non white. There are over 100 directors that are non white. NONE of them will make it to the inner officer circle. There is only one way to explain the marble ceiling: systemic racism.

this company is a company controlled by white people, owned by white people and treats diseases that inflict white people. It employees non white people to serve the white people.

there needs to be more urgency dealing with the “understood” racism inherit at the top level officers of Genentech.

This is obsoletely sickening and makes me sad!

Looks like the usual group of whiners are at it again. The sad part of all this is how radicals on the left are dividing all of us. The other sad part is we now have to look at bedroom sex status, gender, and color as the main factors in determining who is qualified for the next promotion. I would suggest if you feel this Company is racist you are either ignorant, a fool, or simply a bitter person. This company has bent over backwards to be inclusive of all employees, (except for older ones) yet you cry babies want to throw insults. My suggestion is if it bothers you this much please leave. You are not doing anything noble or constructive, so get over entitled self. Anyone here regardless of color is easily replaced. Embrace, and be grateful for what you have, not what you don’t. Go to work, and post your drivel on facebook to alienate what few friend's you have left.

nothing will change until we raise the children we father

As an Indian-American who also suffers from white supremacy, I agree that nothing will change for blacks until they address their own cultural failings. No matter how much money and jobs they get from guilty whites, nothing will improve for them until they start taking care of their children. I don't even like my husband, but we agreed to stay together and raise our kids so that they have a chance.

As an Indian-American who also suffers from white supremacy, I agree that nothing will change for blacks until they address their own cultural failings. No matter how much money and jobs they get from guilty whites, nothing will improve for them until they start taking care of their children. I don't even like my husband, but we agreed to stay together and raise our kids so that they have a chance.

So it’s ok to ask Little Johnny where’s his dad at during interviews and if His Mom is on Meth?

Im am a white female, am I labeled a white supremacist? I don't think I am better than anyone else.
D&I is FAKE.....It is sad to watch all these companies all of a sudden add departments that focus on D&I.
HR should have been in that mode years ago. When I was in college I had to pay for my entire tuition. My African American friends, my Iranian friends etc never paid a dime to go to school. I had 3 part time jobs.
I don't pretend to even know what is like being in the shoes of these friends, but I always felt that the opportunities for them were endless and if they did not take advantage of those ops, that's on them.
I pray for peace and uniting the country.