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CVM MA Credo Breach


Win at all costs. Make the metrics at all costs. Not breaching any FDA HCC codes however the Omni Spam marketing campaign and being told to send emails and that no one cares who opens them, get them 5 calls no one cares who they are and get the zooms at all costs is at the expense of our customers, will costs us our credibility and it’s clearly a Credo Breach. Never once has the HCP been mentioned. This is all
about DSM and RBDs covering their asses. While our HCPs are business as usual and JnJ continues to hold us out of work we are becoming A zoom call email spam nuisance and frankly getting laughed at by those we serve. Our region and teams have lost their moral compass in order to stay a float. It’s sad. The desperation, the pressure and the threats are overwhelming. Yes threats do exists and most of us are treading water the best we can. Thanks “leaders” for putting your asses first followed by RBDs, DSM’s and leaving the SP to take the heat while we exhaust our customer relationships. The Credo states patients and providers first and the current direction of more more more at the expense of providers and the mental detriment of your SPs is a clear breach. You have one tool and you use it well, hammer us like the nails we are. Happy now. Enjoy.


Win at all costs. Make the metrics at all costs. Not breaching any FDA HCC codes however the Omni Spam marketing campaign and being told to send emails and that no one cares who opens them, get them 5 calls no one cares who they are and get the zooms at all costs is at the expense of our customers, will costs us our credibility and it’s clearly a Credo Breach. Never once has the HCP been mentioned. This is all
about DSM and RBDs covering their asses. While our HCPs are business as usual and JnJ continues to hold us out of work we are becoming A zoom call email spam nuisance and frankly getting laughed at by those we serve. Our region and teams have lost their moral compass in order to stay a float. It’s sad. The desperation, the pressure and the threats are overwhelming. Yes threats do exists and most of us are treading water the best we can. Thanks “leaders” for putting your asses first followed by RBDs, DSM’s and leaving the SP to take the heat while we exhaust our customer relationships. The Credo states patients and providers first and the current direction of more more more at the expense of providers and the mental detriment of your SPs is a clear breach. You have one tool and you use it well, hammer us like the nails we are. Happy now. Enjoy.
This post says what so many sales specialists are thinking. While spamming our customers may not be an HCC violation, I can’t see the CREDO anywhere in the initiative.
I do have to argue about the care regarding the “open rate” of the Omni emails. I am typically singled out for having the lowest “open rate %” in my district. How can I control that? Apparently I’m not being strategic as to whom I send them. I should be strategic, but still have a higher sent number than anyone in the region. I should send them to anyone for whom I have an email address, but be strategic and get that open rate % up. I get whiplash during that conversation with my DM.
The zooms you describe are accurate. Get them with anybody you can. I can’t tell you the number of non targeted NPs and PAs who are willing to do the zoom meeting for their high volume docs just so the staff will get lunch. The docs, who are the higher volume targets, won’t even say hello.
There does seem to be desperation and the pressure is mounting. Threats ARE being made and most are tied to upcoming PDM calibration meetings. PDM how/what ratings are supposed to be 50/50. Nope, my manager says it’s her decision to make it more 75% what and 25% how. How can a DM make that decision when PDM measurements are set by the company? Will the RBD support this type of departure from company published requirements? Probably.
Anyway-thanks OP for saying what many are thinking.

200% accurate

And why does X territory have X% omni zoom open rate vs your 5% rate. How can this even be answered!
Send omni 3x per month to each Dr. Ok, that's smart business

Enter the field reactively only but have 3 in office calls per day and 3 more face to face zoom per day with Doctors. Who is issuing these directives? How isn't this a red flag to anyone?

And while you are at it mandatory 3 tcss per month and one of them will crash entirely but hey, invite them to the next one and lets have a district call about the call we just had

As we reenter the field the BS mentioned above needs to end. It kept us busy for 6 months and we are all thankful for that but for those that are getting back to business it needs to end ASAP

200% accurate

And why does X territory have X% omni zoom open rate vs your 5% rate. How can this even be answered!
Send omni 3x per month to each Dr. Ok, that's smart business

Enter the field reactively only but have 3 in office calls per day and 3 more face to face zoom per day with Doctors. Who is issuing these directives? How isn't this a red flag to anyone?

And while you are at it mandatory 3 tcss per month and one of them will crash entirely but hey, invite them to the next one and lets have a district call about the call we just had

As we reenter the field the BS mentioned above needs to end. It kept us busy for 6 months and we are all thankful for that but for those that are getting back to business it needs to end ASAP
Yes! Get out of our way so we can make an impact

And why does X territory have X% omni zoom open rate vs your 5% rate. How can this even be answered!
I'll take a stab at it!

Either reps are sending them less often and a higher open RATE reflects less overall OPENS, or some reps are being extra "strategic" (nod nod, wink! wink!) and creating mail accounts they send to and manage themselves. I mean seriously, who in management vets the email addresses reps put into the system anyway?

I'll take a stab at it!

Either reps are sending them less often and a higher open RATE reflects less overall OPENS, or some reps are being extra "strategic" (nod nod, wink! wink!) and creating mail accounts they send to and manage themselves. I mean seriously, who in management vets the email addresses reps put into the system anyway?

THIS☝️ This is exactly what is happening. Instead of making calls we are creating bogus email addresses.

THIS☝️ This is exactly what is happening. Instead of making calls we are creating bogus email addresses.
It seems obvious the possibility of this happening is great, especially with so much pressure coming down. That email addressed aren't being QCed is inexplicable.

Anyone being hassled about open rates should respond by providing documentation that their email addresses are in fact real (business cards, emails from targets, confirmation phone number, whatever). Require your DM show you proof that out of the norm open rates that you are being judged against can do the same.

Good luck.

The NB was a bust. No consideration for reps or customers. If a rep was responsible for that grease fire we would be written up and on the hot seat. Amazing how we get pressure and threats In the name of PDM and reviews, they shit the bed on a mandated NB that blows up and noting is said. This is why we loose again and again and the mental beatings continue. Beat up by RBD and DM’s with unreasonable expectations, being told you get paid a lot to make this happen never once considering what the right thing to do is or the HCP’s. Manage up at all costs and leave the Reps and HCP’s behind. Embarrassing to work in CVM, embarrassing.

Most of our sales leadership only has corporate networking skills and no real emotional intelligence or relationship skills. If they did, they would not implement these short-sighted plans that erode any trust or credibility we’ve been able to earn. Same with stealing business from the pharmacies we are supposed to be calling on and develop rapport with. Notice how we are the only company that has Janssen Select. Supposedly good for the customer, screws the pharmacy. I hope the company is committed very long term to this and not just until the product manager moves onward and upward in A year and a half.

There is very little intelligence in CVM MA. Old playbook, dated leaders and shaky RBD more suited for a pop video or reality TV show. CV was a better gig before the PCP Clown Show took it over. Now it’s metrics and trackers, hell my DM has no clue on customers or even how we sell. OP is correct, they use a hammer for everyone and everything.

My managers (in the past...) used to be my greatest motivators & inspirations. Now? (Since Xarelto launch) not so much. Makes me sad. Used to LOVE my work. Now? I feel like my manager is an enemy. You have to know the customer feels it. What we do is so much more than delivering a stupid message invented by marketing people who are “super excited”. Barf.

My managers (in the past...) used to be my greatest motivators & inspirations. Now? (Since Xarelto launch) not so much. Makes me sad. Used to LOVE my work. Now? I feel like my manager is an enemy. You have to know the customer feels it. What we do is so much more than delivering a stupid message invented by marketing people who are “super excited”. Barf.

Remember , the marketing people here typically have never proven they could sell anything at all.

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