CVM Being Dissolved

No Vanessa Broadhurst ruined CVM she did the same at Amgen and then she passed the shit show on to Katie who made it worst! But Katie leave and Vanessa gets promoted? Also, a parachute was afforded to JCP, NJPP and KT? that’s JNJ for ya!
It’s amazing how these idiots get promoted!! And yes, all three of these people RUINED CVM

Don't feel bad for CVM, especially the Reps with over 10 years. Many of them have another job all ready. Look at the companies that have posted jobs over the last 3 months- AZ, GSK, Abbvie, NovoNordisk, Novartis, Alcon, Abbott, Iqvia, other JnJ positions- your ex-co workers have silently been in their new hire training. We all had a good ride and made lots of money for ourselves & the company. Feel sorry for other industries that haven't been as well paid and were let go without a severance and are still looking for a job! Hope your bonus check was a great one!

Hey sucker's. A number of my Regional co workers all got jobs, over 50%. No , we don't have to pay back severance. So those of you waiting until you are closer to severance ending...start looking and double dip. Doesn't impact your severance

Hey sucker's. A number of my Regional co workers all got jobs, over 50%. No , we don't have to pay back severance. So those of you waiting until you are closer to severance ending...start looking and double dip. Doesn't impact your severance
Of course it doesn’t. But still wise to keep it on the down low. The double dip is awesome.

it's about time-what a joke this was
Years of bad decisions, revolving door of leadership, poor marketing strategy and all under the umbrella of DEI where what you look like outweighs smart business decisions is what made this a joke. More like a nightmare.

CVM should be a case study in the future.