Cuts in July with 5 month severence


Novarits is firing primary care and then, after Alcon deal is final (June 1st), all the ophthalmology reps (non-surgical) are gone. Thats what all you Alcon sewer rats deserve since you give out that snot shit nevanac and shit vigamox. You could never sell any of that cat puke if you did not give it away in some kits. I hope all of you can pick dollar bills out of my toilet while ISTA watches ALCON fade away into the garbage.

Novarits is firing primary care and then, after Alcon deal is final (June 1st), all the ophthalmology reps (non-surgical) are gone. Thats what all you Alcon sewer rats deserve since you give out that snot shit nevanac and shit vigamox. You could never sell any of that cat puke if you did not give it away in some kits. I hope all of you can pick dollar bills out of my toilet while ISTA watches ALCON fade away into the garbage.

Even after the Novartis douchebags come in and clean house, you bitches will still be sucking hind tit.

No exact timeline yet but Alcon is definitely hiring a contract sales force for 2011. I'm just not sure who they are replacing. I think it is the reps that call on OD's. Pretty sure the real surgical reps will be left alone.

Why does anyone listen to the people on here that say there are going to be layoffs? There has not been ONE time where they have been right. They are just trying to get everyone riled up. Like some little piss ass rep in the field knows what specific dates things are going to happen and what drugs are going to be targeted. Give me a fucking break. Alcon blind sided everyone with 2/11/10 so I would pretty much expect to be blindsided again when there are new lay-offs. Calm down people...Alcon is not the only place to work.

Why does anyone listen to the people on here that say there are going to be layoffs? There has not been ONE time where they have been right. They are just trying to get everyone riled up. Like some little piss ass rep in the field knows what specific dates things are going to happen and what drugs are going to be targeted. Give me a fucking break. Alcon blind sided everyone with 2/11/10 so I would pretty much expect to be blindsided again when there are new lay-offs. Calm down people...Alcon is not the only place to work.

Exactly... There won't be that kind of generous severance though! What was 2/11/10 ? You make it sound like 911

Why does anyone listen to the people on here that say there are going to be layoffs? There has not been ONE time where they have been right. They are just trying to get everyone riled up. Like some little piss ass rep in the field knows what specific dates things are going to happen and what drugs are going to be targeted. Give me a fucking break. Alcon blind sided everyone with 2/11/10 so I would pretty much expect to be blindsided again when there are new lay-offs. Calm down people...Alcon is not the only place to work.

I would agree that a piss ant rep would not know this. Nor would a piss ant manager. The only people that would know this, if true, would be high level people you or your manager would probably never know.

I left this place a few years ago. People, if you were to get laid off, it isn't the end of the world. There are other companies. Now granted I let before the economy went to shit, so I had more opportunities, but Alcon is not the only place to work. In fact, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that there are even better jobs out there to be had with better companies. I never really understood those that were so proud to work here. This is just a job. Don't make it your life. Make your family your life. When you are on death bed, your family will be there to hold your hand, not Papa Alcon.

Novarits is firing primary care and then, after Alcon deal is final (June 1st), all the ophthalmology reps (non-surgical) are gone. Thats what all you Alcon sewer rats deserve since you give out that snot shit nevanac and shit vigamox. You could never sell any of that cat puke if you did not give it away in some kits. I hope all of you can pick dollar bills out of my toilet while ISTA watches ALCON fade away into the garbage.

It is obvious that you have been greatly hurt by Alcon medicines. You are just a piece of shit that does not know a thing about pharmaceutical business. You see I am retired after working for 42 years on big pharma. I retired with over a million dollars, something you will not accomplish ever. Take a good look at the mirror, and you will see what I am talking about. You are just a "loser"

Re: Cuts in July (2010) with 5 month severence

No exact timeline yet but Alcon is definitely hiring a contract sales force for 2011. I'm just not sure who they are replacing. I think it is the reps that call on OD's. Pretty sure the real surgical reps will be left alone.

So did this ever happen? Who is promoting Moxeza?

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