cuts coming...

Word in the street is that the "analyzing" is about to start with decisions made around....... Yep, you guessed it! The holiday season!

2 in 2 years! Man I love this company!

This shit is happening everywhere and unfortunately Bard is not immune. I can tell you 100% certain that there is other green grass out there, but it's not greener. You might gain a few things, but you will give up other portions of the job or company you may like. If you have a good manager and territory, stick it out, keep your head down, enjoy the free booze at the meetings and make what you can, while you can. It's still a great place to be.

This shit is happening everywhere and unfortunately Bard is not immune. I can tell you 100% certain that there is other green grass out there, but it's not greener. You might gain a few things, but you will give up other portions of the job or company you may like. If you have a good manager and territory, stick it out, keep your head down, enjoy the free booze at the meetings and make what you can, while you can. It's still a great place to be.

Great advice because it is true. There are always other opportunities but if you give that enough time, that honeymoon too will end and you will be just pissed at the new company for something as well. Stay with Bard and at worst case, grab a nice severance package. Sounds harsh, but that is the business we are in unfortunately. Hard to stay with anyone more than 5 years these days.

Yep. Down to 64 WH reps.

Thats about four times the number of reps still left at WH here at Bard. They had to offer a guarantee to keep enough sheep around for ZS to have enough head count to make the seemingly random yet intentional reassignments and cuts to avoid discriminatory lawsuits. It's going to be a final bloodbath for WH at Bard.