Who will fill the list?
Anyone who isnt a cetified lap dog and ass kisser. Hard work means nothing.
Who will fill the list?
Anyone who isnt a cetified lap dog and ass kisser. Hard work means nothing.
The 25% of all MRL employees who will lose their jobs because of the upcoming significant cuts in the R&D budget.
Where will they go?
Layoffs will happen for sure...Merck is being strategic, as layoffs can be a negative signal to Wall St. (i.e., "we are not doing well, and can only make our numbers by continuing to cut costs"). So, that, as well as whatever savings there is to wait until the Schering severance package expires, plays a part in all of this.
That would be T. wetzel and M. "Gay" Meehan in Sales TrainingAnyone who isnt a cetified lap dog and ass kisser. Hard work means nothing.