Who will fill the list?
1700 people, but who is anyones guess. By Fall picture clear for another round ):
Who will fill the list?
My guess is contract people will help it happen.
I'm a contractor at legacy Schering, and I just heard this morning that my contract is not being renewed at the end of the month. I suspect many more in our department also got the call.
I'm certain the special specialties will be left alone. High revenue per rep territories.
Well, Contract workers aren't considered part of the pool for cuts so, my guess is just like the last time, anyone and everyone.
I also heard cuts to research and home office to be conducted by the end of June.
It will be a bloodbath. All too sad-
Especially if that SGP pipeline turns out to be a big bag of nothing.
Probably the entire Saphris sales force. The drug is just a pain in the ass and no one wants to use it becuase patients seem to hate the taste and mouth numbing effect. Entire sales force gone by years end.