How do you get a bonus if you're not selling? Also, what if you haven't been in pharma for over 5 years, would they still consider you for this position?
I believe the bonus is based on making the required calls and prompt reporting.
You know, you CAN have bonuses based on non-sales metrics.
One thing since it is a specific "non-selling position," it probably has a limit of working hours (40-60 per week); I once had a similiar "non-selling" field position many years ago and had to track my hours (including travel time and "paperwork" time); the pay was guaranteed up to 60 hours but if I worked more than that, I got some overtime.
But hey, for somebody wanting to fill a few years before retirement or wanting a less-stress inducing level of work, it may not be a bad gig. And except for the newest products, perhaps just being able to maintain market share and "shelf-space" in key prescribers offices may be all that's needed.
I remember many, many years ago talking with some drug rep colleagues from other companies -- we all had some profitable drugs that were no longer promoted and wondered how effective it would be to find groups of retired or near retired reps who would basically work to maintain market share -- without hard sell, buying business with gifts or dinners, etc., just sampling and reminding, "Hey doc, remember Lollapalloza pills for your patients with Mumbojumbo syndrome! See you next month.!"