Customer Centric Selling

I had a wonderful weekend at the CC entertaining key customers and enhancing my number one position. To be the best you must interact with the best!

You call a wonderful weekend? No family?, nah, you’re too selfish.
You’re a sucker and you don’t even realize it. Your interaction is buying the lowest of the low.

My best car buying experiences have always involved a car salesman with the showroom manager and the owner of the dealership tagging along to ensure that the sales script is being delivered appropriately. Nothing awkward about 2 extra cigar store Indians monitoring the situation. I'm sure doctors love this selling model as well

Customer Centric Action = Satisfaction! With the managers executing this now in front of the customers, Steglatro share is gonna rebound! Managers just show up and docs fall at the manager’s will. They are sooo effective. Even the nurses and the office staff are asking for a total office call from the managers.

I guess it’s easy to rebound from a 0.0% market share

Have you seen what Steglatro is doing in your territory? Sky is the limit. This is a major player for Merck and shows what the marketers at Merck can do. A tremendous plan out of the launch has led to this great heights in sales.

Shortly will be Tee time at the Oncologist's CC. An early beginning to another customer oriented success!

YAWN.......Boooooorrrrrriiiiinnnnnnnggggg! You’re wonderful, you’re stupendous, your everything a rep aspires to. your own mind.
Keep repeating it to yourself, because nobody cares.
Don’t forget, what goes up must come down.