i always thought it was funny that Curt was responsible for a division of stryker’s operations. They had one of the absolute worst years you could have that year, and you could literally point the finger directly at operations as the reason why (unbelievable shortsightedness and ill prepared to meet need, backorders everywhere and antiquated ops systems). And, don’t believe the crap you hear about Stryker being all about perform or you’re out. Because he horribly UNDERperformed and, by the grace of god (or good ol boy networks), he was promoted to CFO with NO finance background, whatsoever. He then, by being in that position during Steve M’s terrible moral judgment, was appointed interim CEO. It wasn’t long after that the people realized he should have never been allowed to get any higher than ops manager, he was let go. And conmed picked him up thinking it was some huge loss for Stryker. Since then, Stryker has been on an absolute warpath and their stock continues to dominate. Conmed has been in the throes of mediocrity. Which is exactly what curt Hartman is. Truth.