Curt Hartman’s son

Walk in peace my friend.
God loves you even though your consumed with envy and spite.
It's a new day. Wake up.
It is also an obligation of any God loving person to speak out and fight against people (Curt and his cronies) who are doing bad things. This board is one of the few places to voice those opinions on unethical, harmful and selfish behaviors.

Conmed is growing at least according to stock and quarter earnings. New products have been released. Is there real concern (name calling doesn’t explain concern) or is this just chatter from fired people?

i dont know hartman’s son, so if he’s a good kid, good for him. I DO know Metz and think he’s a total POS. I also know curt Hartman and think he’s a POS, too. And the fact that he hired his own son is a very weak move. I’m not a fired ex employee but I have worked with both. Conmed could do so much better than both.

Definitely a fired ex employee
I am also a fired employee. But if the company really did as well as has been reported then it is good because there are good people there who do work hard. Most likely the performance is actually driven by tax cuts (thank you trump) and a improving market. So even though conmed appears to be on the mend it is still underperforming peers. Good luck on new products, you are still a weiner and Hartman hiring his kid is still a loser move

Thanks, I was actually in the first round let go three years ago and ended up as a stock broker making much more money. Probably not surprising since I was the area director of the year the day before I was let go (performance employment at CNMD under Hartman is bs). But I stand by my comment that the capital sales are probably more external factors, based on my professional opinion. Just curious what is your blind faith based on?

I am also a fired employee. But if the company really did as well as has been reported then it is good because there are good people there who do work hard. Most likely the performance is actually driven by tax cuts (thank you trump) and a improving market. So even though conmed appears to be on the mend it is still underperforming peers. Good luck on new products, you are still a weiner and Hartman hiring his kid is still a loser move
During 2017 Conmed took a deferred tax benefit of $31,9 million as a result of the 2017 Tax Cuts and jobs act, took it at the end of the year.Otherwise, Conmed would have reported .84 in annual EPS instead of the block buster 1.97 Conmed reported. So your right, the tax cut turned what would have been a big miss for 2017, into a huge 4th quarter and good year.

crickets, enjoy the train ride.
my guess is two more improving quarters then unless the r and d pipeline comes through things will start to get interesting. You cannot keep cutting sga and threading reps with ‘grow or else’. All that will happen is capital pipelines will keep getting drained then eventually there is nothing left.
Or you could always keep baking cakes with bill peters on the train.

i always thought it was funny that Curt was responsible for a division of stryker’s operations. They had one of the absolute worst years you could have that year, and you could literally point the finger directly at operations as the reason why (unbelievable shortsightedness and ill prepared to meet need, backorders everywhere and antiquated ops systems). And, don’t believe the crap you hear about Stryker being all about perform or you’re out. Because he horribly UNDERperformed and, by the grace of god (or good ol boy networks), he was promoted to CFO with NO finance background, whatsoever. He then, by being in that position during Steve M’s terrible moral judgment, was appointed interim CEO. It wasn’t long after that the people realized he should have never been allowed to get any higher than ops manager, he was let go. And conmed picked him up thinking it was some huge loss for Stryker. Since then, Stryker has been on an absolute warpath and their stock continues to dominate. Conmed has been in the throes of mediocrity. Which is exactly what curt Hartman is. Truth.

serious question: how is this being managed? There is a difference of opinion in sales that disclosing the entire sale force numbers can be a motivating factor while some people think it is demoralizing. I have worked in both and at Conmed when they have tried both approaches. What is the strategy with the ceo’s Son now included in the sales force?

So hiring freeze on. One person doing job of 4 or more. More upper management than you can shake a stick at. Mostly from Stryker. Newly created jobs for UM all the time. While us morons continue to work our asses off for little to nothing. We should all walk and let the Mexicans scramble to make their worrld class products. What a joke this place is. Stay away from this hell hole if you can!!

So hiring freeze on. One person doing job of 4 or more. More upper management than you can shake a stick at. Mostly from Stryker. Newly created jobs for UM all the time. While us morons continue to work our asses off for little to nothing. We should all walk and let the Mexicans scramble to make their worrld class products. What a joke this place is. Stay away from this hell hole if you can!!

I like your style cabron.