Current Merial reps- would you join the company again if given the chance?

(Sip) Well.... hmmm.....VHD, Diverter, House Account, whatever. Bottom line; I'm still employed, still have health care, a car, 401K match, a few samples for my personal pets, dine at some pretty snazzy resturants when I take clients out, take a couple of decent trips a year for meetings, get paid vacation, 9 paid holidays, 6 personal days to have my teeth cleaned or what have you, 5 more sick days on top of that, receive a couple of "Merial-Wearibles" for my wardrobe every year, pick up a few nice gadgets like the coffee maker every quarter or is just so....rough, ya know?

Quit yer bitchn. Get the **ck off your ass and in your car and go do your job. It's really not that hard (sip). You can call it sipping kool-aide all you want. I think I'll just call it "my career". I happen to like it....matter of fact, I love it. And you know what? **uk you for not appreciating it. Go do something else, please....your sour grapes don't make a good wine; just an irritating "whine".

The Kool-Aide Kid

I wish I knew! What I do know, is that my starting salary was $75,000 with bonus/commissions around $25,000-30,000 plus a car with NO GPS (however, my manager is pretty much a GPS system in and of himself!). What's Merial compensation like?
I know a few people with Bayer that just retired after 25-30 years, but like I said, I'm new to the company. I will say though, that Merial territories seem a bit more attractive (smaller) and easier to manage. I wish I would have applied to the position that was also open in my area.

There's a lot of people on here just full of it or just plain wrong. Merial doesn't start people at 75K unless you are a super star or really have something to bring to the table. There is not a lot of reps nearing retirement around anymore..they all have been run off. They micro-manage the piss out of you. It's only bearable if you have a good DM with balls and there are not many of them. Promotions aren't on merit or ability...who you know and who's kissed the best ass. They are hiring a lot of human pharma reps but not many are doing very well. Experienced industry people will not work for Merial so everyone they are hiring is from somewhere else. Therer are a few "house of cards" that will fall in the future.
Merial has some great products in spite of all mgmt. has done to muck them up.

Merial pays more.
Our management does not micro-manage salespeople. We are profesionals and people will retire after long progressive careers here.
Can you say the same about your company?

How can you claim you don't micro manage your sales people when they have GPS "Lo Jack" tracking their every move? Other than having your manager ride with you every single day; I can't imagine much closer micro managing than that. Just curious.

How can you claim you don't micro manage your sales people when they have GPS "Lo Jack" tracking their every move? Other than having your manager ride with you every single day; I can't imagine much closer micro managing than that. Just curious.

I work on the vendor side with many large sales forces and this is the only one that has gone through with the GPS thing. The rumors are always around in every company, but it never happens. There are a few companies that will hire PIs to trail reps that they feel are not working (Sanofi comes to mind)

Is this info actually looked at? or is it only collected as backup if they want to fire you, or are their reports generated, calls made, etc.

Just wondering..