Guess in the St. Louis newspapers they outed the offshore IT and call center plans:
I agree totallyI found this blog on Curascript and it looks like it is mostly about who works there. But let me tell you from a patient perspective. The company is awful and is doing a terrible job with patients. I am anticipating that Curascript will be named in a class-action suit at some point, probably along with Anthem who uses Curascript, because they fail to take care of patients which will eventually result is loss of someone's health/life. I plan to continue to document the problems and get the word out as best I know how. They have no consistent processes or procedures which result in delays in shipment of very important infusion drugs which can cause very serious problems for patients.
I am a patient and I am worried about my health. Anthem will only use Curascipt and they are the worst company I have ever dealt with. I am looking for other patients that have or have had the same problems with these companies.
Why in the f would a patient be on this website. Nice try douche. Must be another jealous competitor that will be out of business soon becasue Curascript/Accredo will have all the business.