Culture predicts sales

See, your language personifies poor culture likely from mgt that isn't fully supportive of you.

I am not at Vertex. I hate Mercketes, Merck. You are a condescending ass. That is why the public hates big Pharma. They think they are better than everyone else. In truth, it is better in small Pharma and biotech by far. Better culturre, better pay, (usually starts in the 100's) it is so much better. I have been at both for over 13 years. First 7 in big and last 6 in biotech.
You at Merck have no clue what a "great culture" is about. That goes for the big P, Novartis, Lilly, BI, AZ, you get my drift. So keep bragging about your micro managed, under payed, overworked shitty position at the Big one.
I have been laughing all the way to the bank, with 5 paid weeks vacation, closed 2 weeks at Xmas, & stock options too!

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