Culture predicts sales


Is is well documented that positive corporate culture leads directly to improved business results. Merck has the advantage in corporate culture, resources, people, medical education, and leadership.
Despite the temporary imbalance in sales, these advantages predictably will outperform a firm with less commitment by its employees such as vertex.
Your product has some good and bad qualities but Merck will outlast you.


Is is well documented that positive corporate culture leads directly to improved business results. Merck has the advantage in corporate culture, resources, people, medical education, and leadership.
Despite the temporary imbalance in sales, these advantages predictably will outperform a firm with less commitment by its employees such as vertex.
Your product has some good and bad qualities but Merck will outlast you.

no shit sherlock... that's a fucking news flash, its only been around for 100 years and have acquired fucking hundreds of companies over that time. stop posting stupid shit and post some real shit like why a bunch of HQ people got fired over the last month... real shit asshole.

no shit sherlock... that's a fucking news flash, its only been around for 100 years and have acquired fucking hundreds of companies over that time. stop posting stupid shit and post some real shit like why a bunch of HQ people got fired over the last month... real shit asshole.

See, your language personifies poor culture likely from mgt that isn't fully supportive of you.

Is is well documented that positive corporate culture leads directly to improved business results. Merck has the advantage in corporate culture, resources, people, medical education, and leadership.
Despite the temporary imbalance in sales, these advantages predictably will outperform a firm with less commitment by its employees such as vertex.
Your product has some good and bad qualities but Merck will outlast you.

And your book reading management style is exactly why i left Merck for Vertex, there are real people here.

Is is well documented that positive corporate culture leads directly to improved business results. Merck has the advantage in corporate culture, resources, people, medical education, and leadership.
Despite the temporary imbalance in sales, these advantages predictably will outperform a firm with less commitment by its employees such as vertex.
Your product has some good and bad qualities but Merck will outlast you.

I don't work for either company but have had close ties with both. You exemplify what is wrong with Big Pharma; thinking that because you are big, you are right. Merck is has had success with many products and will continue to do so but the culture is severely lacking. Merck represents a bunch of automatons regurgitating what has been told to them. This includes management for, Goodness knows, every manager that I have worked with that is Merck legacy comes out sounding like a walking detail piece.

Vertex has it's issues, and being overpriced and without a pipeline to compensate for this value deficit is a problem, but let's not get carried away that Merck has it's shit figured out. Merck is about to go by the way side in HCV when INX-289 and PS-7977 hit it. Yes, I am aware of Merck's attitude that it has "the only pangenomic PI" (ACHN begs to differ) but PI's have way too much baggage in terms of Side Effects and nukes are going to be the backbone of the future - sans RBV and Interferon. This isn't Merck's world anymore. I know you hate to hear that. But things have changed and the train passed Merck's stop last year. It's all down hill from here.

Are we really aligned with our corp strategy to achieve business results?

not likely. VRTX should have bout VRUS along time ago... but our medical was to high and mighty and said it was a toxic drug. that pretty much sealed the fate of VRTX. we built a top notch commercial team (specifically a field force and marketing team) with nothing to compete in the long term now.

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