CSCs dropping like flies

Yep, a fly landed on a few CSC's naked anal sphincters. Suffice it to say that they were horse flies and the CSC's tested 3+ to the Horse Fly ICap. Consequently they had to resign due to their inability to sit down for more than 3 minutes. Hopefully a serum will be developed to assist them and their dilema.

Yep, a fly landed on a few CSC's naked anal sphincters. Suffice it to say that they were horse flies and the CSC's tested 3+ to the Horse Fly ICap. Consequently they had to resign due to their inability to sit down for more than 3 minutes. Hopefully a serum will be developed to assist them and their dilema.

You obviously have a serious mental issue, time for you to leave this board. Good way to diffuse the real problem

This company has more serious issues; that's the end result of Upper Management and former HR knowing but claiming to "not know" all that was going on. Hired all the right people to get the job done in completely the wrong way and now you have to answer for it with grave consequences. Sad, what ever happened to integrity in the workplace? Pop pop goes the weasel.

This company has more serious issues; that's the end result of Upper Management and former HR knowing but claiming to "not know" all that was going on. Hired all the right people to get the job done in completely the wrong way and now you have to answer for it with grave consequences. Sad, what ever happened to integrity in the workplace? Pop pop goes the weasel.

That's right. This place has closed its eyes to paying off docs, creating fake speaker programs, $500 bucks a month for writing tests, blowing up panels....we went through training all knowing what was going on and nobody would fess up (make it work) how do you sleep at night doing business like this?? DE, MM and all the managers know it and approve it

That's right. This place has closed its eyes to paying off docs, creating fake speaker programs, $500 bucks a month for writing tests, blowing up panels....we went through training all knowing what was going on and nobody would fess up (make it work) how do you sleep at night doing business like this?? DE, MM and all the managers know it and approve it

If you do a speaker program and just give the check to the doc, that is on you. Paperwork is signed. Receipts are sent in. Attendee sheets are signed. Are YOU forging this information?

Looks like the worm has turned and the Spanish Fly has gotten the best of the CSCs. Once infected no vaccine will help as the fly has already taken up permanent residence in the descending colon sphincter musculature. Not a pretty sight to say the least.

That's right. This place has closed its eyes to paying off docs, creating fake speaker programs, $500 bucks a month for writing tests, blowing up panels....we went through training all knowing what was going on and nobody would fess up (make it work) how do you sleep at night doing business like this?? DE, MM and all the managers know it and approve it

That stuff if like child's play compared to what is going on now. Felonies, law suits, bribes...knowing is just as bad as doing. The famed conference call was too little too late.

That stuff if like child's play compared to what is going on now. Felonies, law suits, bribes...knowing is just as bad as doing. The famed conference call was too little too late.

Right...this is way beyond giving doctors checks to write. Bribing labs, kickbacks is what happens after the gift cards and honorarium. You still have to sleep at night.

MM needs to go. Why you think now they are cracking down. TFS is finally realizing how business is done. MM is under the pressure...get rid of his ass. Never sold an IC and thinks its easy for doctors to become routine writers over night. If he can hit my goals then I give him respect other than that he can blow me. If he brings another dumb boring story about his stupid family in PS; I will snap. Nobody cares give us our ACE checks and let us drink all week long. If I have to detail IC, I might just quit.

That's right. This place has closed its eyes to paying off docs, creating fake speaker programs, $500 bucks a month for writing tests, blowing up panels....we went through training all knowing what was going on and nobody would fess up (make it work) how do you sleep at night doing business like this?? DE, MM and all the managers know it and approve it

Mighty Quinn?

Looks like the worm has turned and the Spanish Fly has gotten the best of the CSCs. Once infected no vaccine will help as the fly has already taken up permanent residence in the descending colon sphincter musculature. Not a pretty sight to say the least.

The only recourse is to find a new job and hopefully the Fly will release itself and spare you any further anguish.

Looks like the worm has turned and the Spanish Fly has gotten the best of the CSCs. Once infected no vaccine will help as the fly has already taken up permanent residence in the descending colon sphincter musculature. Not a pretty sight to say the least.

The only recourse is to find a new job and hopefully the Fly will release itself and spare you any further anguish.

So hoping this poster would get run over by a're such a moron.