What's going on cscs are leaving, marketing people jumping, dms ar tfs looking at this are we just gonna keep bleeding. 1/2 my district is interviewing
What's going on cscs are leaving, marketing people jumping, dms ar tfs looking at this are we just gonna keep bleeding. 1/2 my district is interviewing
I have heard from friends that left that the exit interviews are very detailed, they ask a ton of stuff....I wonder what happens to that info? I also heard that lots of people leave that don't use the exit interview. is it because no one listens??
That's pretty sad, what a waste of a phone call. MM and his cast of clowns probably have a thumb over HR too. Somebody should tune into those interviews and clean up this mess.
Erin H should e conducting them, not Mandy if we ever want change to really happen. IDD needs a facelift, badly.
Reality is there are a lot of reps doing really well here. Based on reno meeting a lot of reps are above 100%.
Reality is there are a lot of reps doing really well here. Based on reno meeting a lot of reps are above 100%.
Yep, no doubt there are, because there are still alot of smaller volume expansion territories who can score vs. Goals and northeast reps paying docs to write elia panels and those are all 2 to 1. And still a bunch of bioreference expanded panels being written. So get some history before you spout. Reality is the turnover here is pretty high.
I love it here.
People, the reality is no workplace should define anyone. You may find yourself doing things that cross personal ethical lines. if so, leave. This place is no different than others.
That would be wrong sparky...there's not alot of companies who endorse dinners w/o speakers, gift cards, and gifts in return for writing profiles.
That would be wrong sparky...there's not alot of companies who endorse dinners w/o speakers, gift cards, and gifts in return for writing profiles.
Hey, pharma boy, this company follows medical device guidelines. It is called ADVAMED, really you should read it, It is very different. Man, do they not teach this in training? That covers the dinners w/o speakers part. All of the other stuff sounds more like confession is good for the soul. Maybe there is a reason that you are confessing to such deeds. I am rocking and not doing any of that other stuff that you are confessing to. Interesting, isn't is sparky!